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Happy Holidays!

Hello friends! Just a quick post, so I wish you all happy holidays and a happy 2020. Life was crazy and college was a roller coaster. I can&...

Sports Info 1 May, 2022

Just a little 2019 recap

Hello friend! Happy New Year! I wish everyone happy and safe holidays. Literally a few days ago I took the final exams at the university, w...

Sports Info 1 May, 2022

Let's unpack that

Ja, je raadt het al! We zijn eindelijk in ons nieuwe huis. Het was een gekke wandeling, we hebben ongeveer 2 jaar gewacht om in dit huis te ...

Sports Info 1 May, 2022

Trying to settle down... and a plot twist

I can't believe it's been almost a month since I last posted here. And what a month. In recent weeks, life has turned into a train a...

Sports Info 1 May, 2022

7th blogoversary

Today, April 24, 2020, my blog celebrates its 7th year. I do not think many years have passed since I came up with the idea of ​​Monster Cra...

Sports Info 1 May, 2022

Let's discover some new blogs!

Hello again. I hope you're fine. In my last post, I wrote that some of the people I follow on Blogger are no longer active. Many of you...

Sports Info 1 May, 2022

New doll: Barbie Fashionista with vitiligo plus life update

Wow, all of a sudden June. It seems like it was February a few days ago and I moved here. Where did the weeks go? The school year is not yet...

Sports Info 1 May, 2022