7th blogoversary

Today, April 24, 2020, my blog celebrates its 7th year. I do not think many years have passed since I came up with the idea of ​​Monster Crafts (this is just a craft craft, but it has already been taken). A lot has happened since then.

The first attempt to use my house as wallpaper

I started this blog with the inspirational blogger Lola Mini Homes . He created incredible monsters, cardboard houses, and I loved it. I wanted to do this, but life had another plan for me, and I did not. Shortly after I started blogging, I started working full-time, and in September I went to college, with very little time left to work on that big project.

I wanted this to be mostly a craft blog, but the truth is, I did very little craftsmanship. Time, place, truth to speak, sometimes Trudy stopped me from doing this, which was very frustrating, because I had so many ideas and I could not bring them to fruition. Sometimes I find it difficult to find the treasures I seek. I feel that Spain does not have a "craftsman" like other countries or I think this is beginning to change. Now that I have a little more time and space, I hope I can hug more.

Rosey Romper Monster Crafts blog

When I started blogging I did not speak English for many years but I decided to blog in English anyway because everyone I spoke to spoke English. My first posts ... Bad! Looks like a 10-year-old started a blog. If you have read them before ... please do not judge me. I tried to learn by reading other blogs, which are mostly aimed at a younger audience. I feel like I have improved since then, but I could have done better if I had edited my articles, especially before the "print" was published.

I don't think blogging is as popular as it used to be. It feels so good, I feel like I grew up on this blog and I finally lost it. I hope I continue to post for many more years, you stick with me.

In short, I am personally safe. I am busy with teaching (so this post is no longer detailed) but I am still doing well. No one in my family is infected, so far so good. It is thought that we may leave our home in early May. I can't wait to get into my old house: to finish the activity.

Hope all is well during these strange times. be careful.

Knowledge of monsters.

Upcoming update. See the 9th short blog post .

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