New doll: Barbie Fashionista with vitiligo plus life update

Wow, all of a sudden June. It seems like it was February a few days ago and I moved here. Where did the weeks go? The school year is not yet officially over, but most of my projects and lessons are over. In fact, I knew I had passed at least 70% in one class, even though official results came only in July. So, now that I have more confidence, I want to come here and tell you something about the new doll.

Barbie Fashionista with vitiligo

A few weeks ago, when everything was back to normal, I looked at Amazon and saw some toys for sale. I got a stylist around Vitiligo for around ዩ 10 (they now look like they sell for € 14) and I also got a BMR1959 zigzag doll. I will write a separate article about BMR dummies because I want to go deeper and make some comparisons.

I haven't bought many dolls in recent years, I now have a budget to buy dolls, but I have a lot of dolls, I can spend a lot of time in love, so I decided to buy only one. The doll caught my attention. Fortunately, I haven’t seen many dolls lately. However, this particular puppet has impressed me since Mattel started harassing @barbiestyle . I really had to take it with me and we are finally here!

She has a beautiful, friendly face. I have a carnival statue that I do not like, but I think it is good. Because of her satin finish, the imperfections on her face appear to be part of her complexion.

Barbie fashionista 135 with vitiligo

In addition to his face, he has freckles on his shoulders and arms. He took off his clothes to see if he had a lot of stitches, but he only had the clothes you see in the pictures. We can't complain too much about a 10-inch doll. I also noticed that her hands were more flexible than other fashionistas, but I did not know if she was the only one or the mother of all the new dolls. It may be easier to paint spots on rubber plastic than on hard plastic.

I am very happy with this doll and I love taking pictures of it. Her face is very expressive, full of words. Maybe I will repeat her "yellow movement" on the upper body and multi-faceted color, but Barbie will not be so small. I think I should leave it as it is for now.

Overall, I think she is a unique doll and the price I paid for it is worth it. The quality is not good, but Mattel has to make a lot of toys today. The dress is very nice and fitting, although the print is not my choice. It is so simple that if you learn to sew, you will not be able to stop it.

In other news related to the doll, we are slowly repairing the house. The locksmith surprised us, we could not buy anything for our needs at home, we did not even return to our old home to complete the step. I could not select the background I used for a photo a few weeks ago. I do not want to complain too much because the situation is getting worse and worse, but it is better to go back to normal and start rebuilding.

When it comes to dolls, we have made progress. Finally, all the dolls were on the shelf, but I sat down because I did not see any other dolls. I still have to fix the clothes and accessories, but I have to wait until the end of June.

As I explained in my last post, I have a small office where I can study and work. When Mr. Monster started working from home, we left the round table (one of the things he put in his bag) and a garden chair that we found when my grandparents died. Our first plan was to have one of the tables that would allow you to control the height, since I had a very small table. However, because we do not have it yet, we have sold this large asphalt table from Carrefour and are now using it in our workplace. It's a little low for me, so my laptop is powered by an electrophone piece. We don't know how long Mr. Monster will have to work from home, but for now he does. I also have a fruit cart waiting for cleaning, where I store my handmade items.

The dollhouse and the house still need a lot of work, but we will get there. School is not over by the end of June this year (I think 26 or 27) so I don't think I can post much before that date. I have some ideas for posting and I can't wait to get my background idea but I can't go to a craft store. I look forward to returning with more creative posts in early July.

Thanks to everyone who joined me in the "Blogger Search" concept. I hope it doesn't work, but I'm glad some of you think it's a good idea. If you have not already done so and would like to join us, proceed. There is no time limit. Check out their posts, they made some good tips: Barb , Linda , Dollsdolour , Pixie Dust Dolls . Also, Dorothy, a popular woman, is listed in the comments section of my previous post.

I hope you are all in good shape and see you as soon as possible

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