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Dolls review: Barbie Fashionistas XOXO and Urban Camo

Hello doll lovers again! As I expected, I didn't have as much time to write the post as I had hoped, and all of a sudden I was back in ...

Sports Info 2 May, 2022

Life update

Hello everyone! As you may have noticed, I was away for several months. I don’t think that’s surprising, because I disappear a bit during...

Sports Info 2 May, 2022

Making more backgrounds for doll photography

Good morning! How is your winter going? I took the final exam a few days ago and I think I did well, even though I only got the results at ...

Sports Info 1 May, 2022

Unboxing some dolls plus new backgrounds

If you've been following this blog for a long time, you know I write a lot of doll reviews. It was my turn to pay more attention to the ...

Sports Info 1 May, 2022