Photo Compilation: June-July 2020

Hello again! I hope everyone is having a good summer.

As I said in one of my recent posts, I thought about sharing some photos taken for Instagram that I didn’t post here or for some reason didn’t post at all. The idea is that they share here to shed light on inspiration, and if I can, I’ll tell a little behind the scenes.

Let's start with a few photos on Instagram. I bought it for an event organized by @shrunken_dreams . For those unfamiliar with this event on Instagram, it is often held to celebrate or just have fun. Organizers often indicate thematic dates so you can find all the related posts. Summarize the photos after the topic using hashtags on this day, the organizers often keep in touch with you by sharing your content. It’s a great way to find new accounts on the platform, but it also delivers a little hassle for your photos, as sometimes you have to create them to solve the problem. This special event was organized to celebrate that @ shrunken_dreams reached 1,000 spectators, and was the theme of white gold. The event took place the day I graduated from school, so I hurried to take pictures. I don’t have time to do business, so I have to work from home. This is one of the photos I took.

This is one of the photos I took to edit the calls, but it hasn’t been published yet. I like it, but others are more appealing to me.

I used white paper for the walls and glossy paper for the accents. The dolls wear a combination of doll clothes that I already have, including an AtelierniShasha dress. The necklaces, if I remember correctly, went out of the old accessory box.

Another event on Instagram is # monday4dolls , organized by @bella_belladol. It’s a weekly event that takes place every Monday, a different theme that is announced every Friday. The good thing about this problem is that it’s not as tedious as a monthly call, you can only participate in the weeks you want. The theme of July 20 - "Shoes", these are the pictures I took for the competition.

We offer a scene with a photo with Victoria. Finally I tilted the ring lamp more so that it was parallel to the table.

I take pictures not only for the challenges but also for my content. After reviewing the 1959 BMR, I wanted to paint it on a light blue background because I saw that it contrasts perfectly with the red dress. This is one of the shots I took.

I mostly draw lone dolls, but try to improve group drawings (or at least in pairs). For this photo I tried to give an urban style like a doll in a streetwear catalog. Not sure I'm in the mood, long filmed properly, but very happy with the result.

Since I didn’t like the 1959 BMR fashion, I wore it in a dress with this So Sporty Fashionista . I don’t like this dress, but I like it more than the red dress, in summer it looks more comfortable. The colors of her clothes inspire me to the color palette of this collection.

Before shooting outdoors, having tried the second part of “Dolls in the Pool,” I photographed Asha with the fire floating inside. Even if I don’t go outside, I want to do something fun on a summer theme. This is the photo that pleases me the most.

This is the one I gave up. After the installation, for some reason I was not satisfied.

I have a few photos from previous photos that I have not shared here, for example, with Rosie. I’m not very happy with the colors because they look too saturated, but I like the background.

Here are some more photos from my post by the pool that I didn’t post here. The first is not my favorite, but I love sharing my photos in 3 parts on Instagram.

Today is mine. I am currently working on part 2 of my post on the Mix and Match wallpaper as well as some of my work. I don’t know what I’ll set after that, it depends on what craft I finish first. I’ve been very smart lately and have a lot of ideas for future posts. Unfortunately, I probably won't have time to do everything I did before the beginning of the school year, but I hope to publish more this year, because I have fewer lessons.

I hope you enjoy this collection of dolls. As always, if you have ideas for future shots, let me know what you think in the comments.

Be careful.

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