How to Paint a Watercolor Wash Background

How to paint a watercolor background

It is very interesting to work with watercolors. I like to do the watercolor brush. They are perfect for handwriting, abstract art, gift labels and more. Follow me on Instagram to see what I do with these watercolor brushes.

The best part about this technique is that it is almost impossible to restore. Perfect for all age և fitness levels.

Here's a video tutorial on how to paint a watercolor background.

Watercolor cleaners.

Dr. Ph Martens Bombay Indian Inks
watercolor paper
1 inch flat brush
Towel or cloth
Scotch tape
Palette or sheet of paper
Apron (I never wear it և sometimes I regret it)


I use Dr. Ph Martens Bombay India . They are very bright են retain most of their color during drying. They dry the appearance of shine. You can use this technique with any watercolor, but you will lose its vibrancy, և some watercolors will have a chalk mold.

Step 1:

First, cut the paper to the desired size. I like the amazing 5X7 inches, so it's easy to frame ... fold like a postcard ... or cut out for a tab or gift tag.

Step 2:

Then stick the paper on the waterproof work surface. If you're not sure you need ink on your table, do not do it. Take a plywood board from the garage or block and stick it on the paper. Then put it in a plastic bag and work.

Step 3:

Fill the palette with ink. It is very fluid, it is a word. It's liquid, so be careful when filling the holes ... the ink is too long ... I almost filled the holes to the top և I created more than double watercolor lines than in the photo below.

Step 4:

Now use a brush և clean water. Apply a layer of water on the paper. Do not fill the newspaper completely. I use an old cup of tea for my water bowl so that I do not drink involuntarily while working.

Step 5:

Now moisten the brush with the desired color ink, and rub the paper with water on top.
Add other colors to taste. (If it does not make sense, watch the video above again)

Color combinations.

Some colors work well, others do not. Do you remember how you learned to mix colors in elementary school? You know, red and yellow turn orange ... blue and yellow turn green ... and red and blue turn purple. These are great colors to put next to each other in the water as they will blend in with the new color.

It is better not to put complementary colors (on the color wheel insert opposite each other) ... for example, red և green (although I did in the video), purple և yellow ... և orange և blue. These paints turn brown when mixed ... or dirty, as we call them.

Another good tip for mixing is to use the colors that make up the bow ... or use 3-5 color sets on the color wheel. Red, orange և yellow on the same page are beautiful. Yellow, green և blue are my favorites. Blue, green և purple also work.

Be creative և try. Ask * older * children to play together for color theory. (Note: my children are old ... my children are 11 years old ... so I may not remember what little children can do ... it 's ink ... why they all get dirty).

Step 6. Now wait for the paper to dry completely. You can use a hair dryer to speed up ... but I usually have a lot of other things to do that involve a lot of tasks, so taking a few minutes off is not a big deal.

Wet watercolor paper is slightly curled when wet. Adhesive tape helps keep your egg dry as it dries ... so keep it tight during the drying process.

Step 7. Finally, remove the ink layer եք Enjoy the magic of mixed ink. I like the way the colors rotate, change and mix.

Find a problem.

If this technique is difficult for you ... I advise you not to use enough water. It is rare to put water on paper, but this method works.

Now add some handwritten quotes, use them as a gift tag, hang them, cut them into strips for a tab, or fold them into a handmade postcard. The colors shine և merge beautifully.

Which color will you mix first?

that much.

Like, fix և spread

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