What to Know Before Buying a Cricut Machine

This is a proprietary letter I wrote on behalf of Cricket . All comments are 100% my opinion.

What you need to know before buying a cricket car

Are you thinking of buying a Cricut car? I like my cricket cars (yes, I have all three) and I use them all the time. I have been using Cricut for 4 years already և I have learned a lot. I know moving into a new car can be good, so help me relax.

Yes, I work with Cricut եմ I get free cars, goods և accessories ... but I love Cricut. I love your company that manages what it does well. I like to empower people, to help them feel comfortable using their products. They are good. With affiliate links.

Here are some frequently asked questions before buying a cricket machine.

Which car is the right choice?
What's the difference between a cricket machine and a cricket machine?
What additional components are needed to get the most out of your car?
Can I turn my cricket into a home business?

1. Which Cricut car is the right choice?

Let's talk about cars today. Cricket Maker , Cricket Explore Air 2 և Cricket Win :

Of course, cost is the key factor for most people. The Maker has the most bells and whistles; it sells for $ 399, or sales are regular. Check out the same size Air 2 Maker և and get it at the usual retail price of $ 249. After all, winning $ 179 is a budget-friendly way to save space.

If money is not an issue for you, get Cricut Maker և and start creating.

Well, it remains to be seen ... Ask yourself what you want to do with your Cricut device. Are you interested in making custom vinyl shirts? Do you like to sew, cut and pattern your car? Do you want to cut paper to make giant flowers or handmade cards?

Check out this post for 100 items you can sell with your desk և to see which project you are interested in.

If I bought a car today, I would go a long way և buy a Cricut Maker . It has tool attachment technology that allows you to cut, shape, use the tip of a knife blade և much more. Its strength is 10 times stronger than plywood and thick boards.

2: What's the difference between a cricket machine and a cricket machine?

Details of each car taken from Cricut website are given below. Check out all these great car comparisons, then links to my posts that make the device a little different.

Cricket manufacturer .

  • Professional cutting performance և versatility most recent
  • It cuts more than 300 materials from the thinnest fabrics - from paper to boards - leather
  • Tubular trowel for cutting almost all fabrics except the back
  • There are more than 500 digital sewing patterns, Simplicity® blanket block, Riley Blake և ավելին much more (sold separately)
  • 2.4 mm thick, material-compatible knife blade (sold separately)
  • QuickSwap ™ - Compatible tools for fast switching between punctuation marks, tattoo, engraving և other decorative effects (sold separately)
  • Compatible with partial embossed marker discs (sold separately)
  • Adaptive tool system. Professional level cutting performance և scale
  • Bluetooth® wireless technology
  • A fast way to double-cut and write
  • Upload for free և Use your own images and fonts
  • Design Space® software for iOS, Android 7, Windows® and Mac®

Cricket Explore Air 2 :

  • This DIY speed machine combines time-saving work և advanced simplicity.
  • Cut 100 materials: cardboard, vinyl, iron, for some special materials.
  • Fixed paper for cutting very popular handicrafts
  • Fast cutting և 2x fast typing (1)
  • Bluetooth® wireless technology
  • Compatible with deep point իչի pen blades (sold separately)
  • Double toolbox, shovel and pen are always at hand
  • Design Space® software for iOS, Android 7, Windows® and Mac®
  • Upload for free և Use your own images and fonts
  • Compatible with Cricut bullets

Crete Delight .

  • This smart cutting tool weighs just 1.75 kg, which makes it easy to adjust to almost anything.
  • Cuts more than 50 materials, including iron, cardboard, vinyl, paper և smart materials.
  • Draws any style in different styles
  • Cut one size up to 4 feet long or repeat up to 20 feet long *
  • Fits in a box, easy to pack, installs immediately
  • The perfect companion for clever full-size cricket cutting
  • Upload for free և Use your own images and fonts
  • Bluetooth® wireless technology
  • Design Space® software for iOS, Android 7, Windows® and Mac®

3. Do I need additional components to get the most out of my device?

Yes, this is an abyss. Well, back to question 1 ... If you decide what you want to do with your device, this question is a little simple.

I suggest starting with a handful. They usually come with vinyl iron glue, various carpets, transfer tape, cricket hand tools, etc. This way you can try a few things և see how you like them.
If you get Cricut Maker, get Tool Organizer , this is amazing.

For more product details, see the 10 Cricut Product Christmas Gift Guide here

*** Cricket machines are for you. However, it is very easy to use և the learning curve is in the right place. So maybe you just want to start with the paper ... but maybe you want to master the paper նել expand the car in the first week. It's great to have a car that can grow with you. ***

Here's what you need to get started.



Unresolved ink.


Hand card.

Leather earrings և bow.

Homemade gifts (dog tags, keys, magazines, etc.).

4. Can I turn my cricket machine into a home business?

The answer is yes.
Many people have successful side effects with their device. I think my Cricut cars should be my own, so I want to sell a few things here and there. I have a complete post on how to make money with Cricut Explore Air 2 , but all the ideas apply to any car.

For sale 100-character cricket.

Here are some ways to sell.

I only sell Facebook pages
Sell ​​via Facebook Marketplace
Just create an Instagram account to sell
Sell ​​with the hashtag #sale #product #sale
Set up a booth during the event
Create an Etsy handicraft store
Start teaching locally

Okay, did I answer your question?
If you have other questions in the comments, please let me know and I will be happy to answer them.

Here are some helpful creek posts.

Which cricket machine should I buy? Which cricket car should I buy? This is a real question they keep asking me. Buying a car և making sure you use it ... և doing what you want is a big investment I love my Cricut car եմ I've been a Cricut blogger since 2017. I like their user-friendly interface, powerful support system, tech support և easy support.

Get the best craft gaps with other Amazon և Cricut sources. These are perfect for making or selling handmade gifts for your business or summer camp և events. Find the best quality gaps to work with Cricut at great prices.

Check out this link to learn more about what you can do with your Cricut.

There are 100 things you can do about crickets. Perfect holiday home for Cricut.

Are you thinking of making money with cricket this holiday season? Here's all the tips and tricks I learned from making money from Cricut Machine.

Being a cricketer pays off if you want to drive in the right direction ... but sometimes building a fight on the side is the best way to justify the car.

How To Start A Home Business With Cricut Perfect For A Holiday Party Or Just To Replenish Your Income. How To Make Money At Home Using A Cricket Cutter

Read this post with tips on 5 ways to make money using Cricut Explore Air 2 that can be applied to any Cricut electronic cutting machine.

Here are 5 ways to make money with Cricut Explore Air 2 that can be applied to any electronic Cricut cutting machine.

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