Wainscot for warm and cozy scenes

Greetings again! Happy December! I do not think that Christmas is near. I have not done anything for Christmas, but to be honest, I'm not happy about taking pictures or making holiday crafts. I did not want to do some of the crafts I wanted to do this fall, most of all I could not do until the end of the year.

Everyone who visits my blog knows that I've made a mobile boat to add to my usual background. I was doing one with dark gray and the other with bright coral , but I wanted to do something warm to be inspired. Ironically, it should have been done in late October or early November, but in December. That's why I had to switch from "Autumn Landscapes" to "Warm Friendly". I have already done it twice so as not to get too involved in the process, but I write the size of everything. If this is your first time: Want to know more about the process, check out my previous posts եք Ask any questions.

Usually we use the same collection.

  • Communication board / gray board.
  • Sharpening knife.
  • Glue և white glue.
  • Geso or other primer.
  • Hand paints և brushes.
  • Grain box.
The largest piece is 16.5 cm high and the width is the size of my wall. The upper edge is 1.5 cm, the lower - 2 cm. The length of the base in inches will be 6.5 inches. The top edge will be 0.59 እና እና and the bottom edge will be 0.79 ... In this photo all the details are cut, printed և glued with PVA glue.

I made 1.2 cm (0.47 inch) sheets. I always cut these lines out of the grain box and glued them. At the moment I am pressing 3 instead of the usual 4 to give a little more energy. Do not forget to scrape the edges to soften the edges.

I left a small distance of 9 cm (3.5 inches) between them. In the photo below, the vertical sticks are ready for gluing.

I painted orange with acrylic . I found it because it is so different from the basic colors I used և I wanted to use it since I bought it.

The color is a little darker than I expected. In the right corner you can see what it looks like in two layers and the rest in one layer.

When I finished, I photographed the new villa next to the two to see the difference between the three designs. I was amazed to see how different colors and touches give different vibrations here and there.

I took some photos to see what would happen to him. You can still see some fabrics in two layers, but I do not think so.

Since I had not started taking holiday photos, I decided to include a small box to light up some of the photos. Frankly, I did not take as many photos of my handiwork as usual, but you will find more pictures in future articles.

The walls of all my photos are the same. This color is American " light ", but in some photos it looks a little different.

I hope you enjoyed this semester tutorial on this good. I personally like the look, it is completely different from what I usually do. I still have some ideas, but for the most part I like to use popcorn sticks և I decided to give up a bit after the wooden floor adventure. But first, I'm going to do one of these things, paint it in the traditional Pervinque art you see in the picture below.

I do not think I would do any craft before Christmas, except very quickly, very little. The main reason for this is that I hope to receive new colors as a gift again, so I want to wait until then to plan future plans. You know, the new color gives me a new idea. But I hope to be back with holiday photos before Christmas.

I hope you all have a good time and have a great holiday season.

Craft monsters.

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