Quick craft: letter decor

Over the last few years, I’ve made quite a few pieces of furniture to fill in the inside photos, mostly bookcases. Now I have a few sections to choose from, but I don’t have a lot of accessories that can be filled in, and sometimes it seems pretty empty. So I thought I could make a little prop to fill the shelves and add more realism to my diorama.

Today we made some "decorative letters" (I can't think of a better name) using some wooden letters. I found it in a store called Teddy and I’m sure it was made for scrapbooking, but it’s the perfect size for a trendy doll. It’s a fairly simple craft, so I’ll show you two different designs.

For this product you will need:

  • Small wooden letters for scrapbooking.
  • Wooden ice cream sticks and / or coffee blender.
  • Handmade painting.
  • White glue or hot glue.
  • Scissors or cutter.

Let’s start with the simplest design, I really got it. I took the letters to write the word “house”. You can write whatever you want, but short words are best.

I painted my picture with Americana Acrylics C tinted glass because I wanted the color to be bold but subtle. If you like the look of ordinary wood, you can leave it alone.

While the characters were drying, I cut out the popsicle sticks to use as a base. The size will depend on the size of your character and the distance you want to give it, but it should be exactly 6 cm. I cut it with scissors instead of scissors to get a sharp edge.

After sanding the edges a bit, I painted them with white acrylic paint.

When everything is dry, glue the letters with hot or white glue. I suggest planning the space in advance. I put the tape here and there to help regularly.

And that is the end result. I realize there’s nothing innovative about it, and I’m not the first to do something like that, but I’ve been wanting it for a long time.

Now let's move on to the second design. It takes a bit more work, but it's still very easy. We will build a wooden base to hold our heroes together. I started by putting up 6 coffee ladders and measuring the right shape. I made two, one 6.5 cm (2.56 inches) and the other 8 cm (3.15 inches). I ended up using it for a smaller design , even though the one you see in the photo is bigger.

Cut the sticks to the size you want.

Measure, cut and glue the two pieces of wood together to hold them together. Make sure these pieces are small so that they do not come out when you turn them over.

Once everything is dry, it’s time to paint. I decided to paint with the water paint I use on my wooden floors. If there is no stain on your home, you can create the same effect with acrylic paints as I demonstrated in the Crate Console release.

While the stain / paint was drying, I painted it in white acrylic lettering. This time I want to say "fall" on the signs, but you can choose another word.

Once everything is dry, it’s time to glue it to the white glue. Again, I used mask tape to help keep the letters in line. Take your time and take your time.

And here is the result.

Let's take some pictures with the new sample. First, let's try "Home". I used a matching sea glass wall to see what it looked like. It adds a subtle touch that seems very subtle since I first “fell”. But after taking some pictures with him, I feel pretty good.

Dove Gray appears on the shelf more than white.

Let's go to the "autumn". In this photo I am using a new wall created by me in light colored resin .

I love the warmth of the whole scene. I also like to match the floor.

Here I tried it on a pink wall. I put up a poster on the wall to try something else with putty.

I think it's a quick and easy idea to make some decorations for your diorama. I plan to do the method I used for the “Christmas” sign for fall. With this concept you can make many more choices. For example, you can make an Eskimo stick with a "G" shape and use the letters to create the edge of the book.

While I was working on this post I came across this wooden star in a home improvement store called Casa . They are designed to be placed on a table, but because they are made of wood, they work just as well as letters.

There are plans to make other "small decorations" for the future. I printed some mini-books a while ago but I didn't buy the right foam to make them. I also wanted to make a snake tree to give a green touch to the shelf. I have an idea for a sofa, but it needed more. However, I don’t think I’ll have time until the end of the year to do that, so this will be my 2022 project. I’d better finish the vest I’m working on and start working on some Christmas photos.

In other news, I'm trying to restore my Facebook page . I know some of you aren't active there, but if you are, I'd appreciate it if you liked my page. If so, make sure I like and / or comment on my latest posts so you can see my updates in your feed.

I hope you are well. Let me know in the comments if you plan to do something similar with your doll. I don’t know if I’ll get another message before the holidays, but if not, until December.

Craft monsters.

Note: The first photo wall is the new light wall of Americana Acrylics .

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