Unboxing Barbie Fashionistas and some photo experiments

Until! Like everyone?

I haven't been very inspired lately to work on doll posts or anything related to this blog. It wasn't that I had no idea, but that I couldn't organize it or focus on the project. I feel a little overwhelmed by what I want to do and write. Also, some projects and ideas didn't turn out the way I expected, which is always very frustrating. Anyway, I was able to find time and focus to write this post.

Honestly, I almost didn't write this post. When I was taking pictures of the dolls, I had a day off or something and was not happy with the result. But then I went to Madrid for the weekend with Mr. Munster and was even more inspired when we came back. Also, while we were there, I bought some photo gear for the dolls, which I'll show you in future posts. But let's talk about this doll.

Here we have Barbie Fashionista #87 Rockstar Glam and Fashionista #107 Malibu . I've had Rockstar Glam sitting in the box for about a year and recently purchased a Malibu on Amazon for a lower than usual price. I've also noticed that fashion designers now have a new box design that's probably cheaper to make because it doesn't embody the word "fashionista". We know Mattel likes to take shortcuts. If they cut the corners of the package...

There are ready-made dolls.

Let's start with Rockstar Glam . When I first saw her promotional photos, I thought she had a pretty face. It took me a while to figure out what a head bust is, but thanks to a Katie doll , I found a new head bust called Dia.

I also thought her hair was great but the quality was poor. At some point while taking the photo, I quickly washed it off and it looks more decent. As I post the photos in a different order than they were taken, you may notice the difference between the photos.

Malibu has 3 things I love: Skipper's sculpted head, silver hair, and shaved side. It's kind of like a mix of LA Girl and Platinum Pop . Fun Fact: If you visit Mattel's website, this doll is listed as "Original with Pink Hair". pink hair

Not specifying a drawing of his face. A closer look reveals that the printers they use for their faces are out of ink. However, he looks good on camera.

The shiny decor looks like an oversized rock concert t-shirt. It looks lazy but has a realistic look.

The Malibu Dress looks very decent from what Mattel told us. There is a print on the back of the skirt, which is very rare in Barbie fashion.

As I mentioned above, some projects just didn't go my way. One of them was a green/citrus background, which I tried to achieve by mixing a bright green with yellow. I don't know what it is, but the lighting wasn't very good and the background was a bit scratched. The camera doesn't look too bad.

I wanted to do this background because I thought it would go with glam hair, but it seems to have disappeared from her background.

The second craft that didn't turn out quite as I expected was paint splatter wallpaper. It looks good, but on camera it looks more boring than on me.

I also painted the serial box blue and it looks great on camera. It's True Blue from Americana Acrylics. I have already seen this wallpaper on my Instagram in some photos like LA Girl .

For a while I wanted something that would give photos a "boost". One of the things I wanted to achieve was some sort of mesh or barrier that would add something to the image while still allowing you to see the background. A few weeks ago I discovered this tub mat that looks a lot like a garden fence. Since they only cost 1 euro each, I took white and turquoise.

I installed the tiles on the wall to see what effect I could achieve. I had to hold it in one hand because it doesn't stay flat, but I think it's pretty cool.

So I took it out of the box and took pictures of the two dolls. Do you think that's too much?

Here's how to put it all in the picture.

And just for fun, here's a pic of Chloe in a white playmat. This photo was taken a few days before the start of work on this post.

Honestly, I'm very disappointed with these two dolls. It's not about the quality (which I didn't really expect anyway), I just don't want it. As I said, some of these photos were taken before I went on vacation and some after. When I got back, I had more fun taking photos, so maybe I had a day off to unpack.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this article. I thought it would be quick, but it took me forever to write it. Recently, if one morning I found a few hours to write a change, I couldn't sit in front of my computer for two days. Also, I am easily distracted and unable to concentrate.

I was more or less planning my next post, but a few days ago I found something that can be made into Barbie furniture, so I think it will be a more interesting post. I would still like to have some of the materials I need, but once I have them I will start working on them too, I still haven't decided if I want to paint them in neutral colors (white, gray or faucet) or something colorful like turquoise. Neutral colors will work with any dioramas I make, but color photography is more fun. I know what you think of me.

That's all for today, hope to be back soon with a crafting related post.

Pay attention.

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