Sewing progress

For the past few weeks I have been working on some sewing projects. After years of promising to do so, I finally started sewing last year. But, as always, I focused on other projects, I didn't spend a lot of time on them. In fact, I haven't done anything since October when I saw the tank. But a few weeks ago I started working on something, I'm still in sewing mode.

I always sew very slowly, so I only sewed 3 pieces in about 2 weeks. I didn't spend every day sewing because I have a real job, but I tried to gain as much free time as possible.

The first outfit I saw was these pants, which you can see in the photo above. I'm working on a project with Atelier ni Shasha և it's one of our projects. When the whole project is finished, I will do a separate article, but for now it is a "preview". It's put me in "sewing mode" for the past few weeks - I've kept training.

Wanting to improve, I decided to make a second one in a different color, so I chose this yellow fabric. Unfortunately the fabric is not suitable for this project as it is quite sheer - you can see the seam size. If you mix it up it will also "stick", probably because these were quite old pajamas. It wasn't too worn, just sat on a shelf for a few years.

But structurally I am very satisfied with the work done. My point is getting better and better և it fits the doll very well. Shasha made the pattern herself, because I still don't know how to make such a pattern.

For my third piece, I wanted to change the padding I had made to a different color, so I chose the same mint green as the first pair. I must say right away that the neck and the suspenders are not the same thing. When folded in half, the difference is minimal, but since it's such a small garment, it's pretty obvious. I made the ribbons a bit shorter, maybe that will help make them more visible.

Despite the flaws, I think overall I did better than the first one. The stitching is nicer, especially around the chair, where it was so sloppy last time. The seams of the garments և inside also look neater. The cover isn't bad either.

Needlework and sewing always give me ideas for future projects. Some of these ideas are too ambitious for my current abilities, others seem simpler. But for now, I'm going to take a break to work on other projects. I was so focused on it that I didn't take any pictures for almost 2 weeks. I haven't been working on any craft projects either, I have all those paints I bought for Christmas waiting to be used.

My next post will be a selection of photos, but it will be short, as I hardly took any photos in the past two months. I also took some pictures for the dolls review, but that didn't really inspire me, so I'll have to try again.

I hope you are well և see you soon

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