Photo compilation: January-February 2022

Hello and welcome to another photo collection. If you’re here for the first time in this series, I usually share a few photos I’ve posted on Instagram over the last few months, and sometimes add a little extra, like a “behind-the-scenes” photo or a photo I took. far away. What could be better than looking at all the photos of January and February to start the walk.

I haven't taken much pictures in the last few months. I have mentioned several times that I am not very inspired by taking pictures of dolls. So I tried to "go back to basics" and take a few pictures with colored construction paper and dolls to see if I could be inspired. So I started taking pictures, so I thought it might inspire me.

I didn't think about it, just bright colors and a doll.

As soon as I started shooting on a white and pink background, I had an idea for other color combinations. For the second combination, I mixed pink with lilac.

One of the things I like to do with photos like this is to use frames as supports to add contrast or to "transfer" color side by side. This picture of Kirar is an example.

I wanted to combine all the backgrounds with the new one, using any color from the old combination. To do this, I took a blue and the same lilac from the photo above.

Due to the color palette I created with the blue and pink squares, the layer is one of my favorite places in this photo set. Victoria is one of my favorites because I really like her style.

I also posted this picture taken when I opened the Linder package box, but it didn't reach the final post.

I took a break from photography to focus on some sewing projects (see my last post ), but after the "sewing fun" was over, I decided to take a picture on my balcony. I had no idea what a color combination was, and I thought it would be chic as spring approached. I wanted to take a few pictures of Chloe's new peak, and it came.

At this time of year, at around 3:00 in the morning, the sun hits the wall and the ground a little. This helped to create this effect in photographs where the upper part of the background was over-exposed, but the dolls were clearly visible. I also used portrait mode on my phone, which made the background even more blurry.

This is something I can share today. It's a very short article, but as I said, I didn't take many pictures. Even though it was so small, it took me forever to finish it. I was very worried about what was happening in Ukraine, and it was difficult to concentrate. I don't like to be too serious here, because we have a lot of negative aspects in our daily lives, but sometimes we have to admit that what happens in the real world affects us.

Since I do not want to end this article with a negative note, let me tell you that I have made some progress in sewing. Sasha and I are working on something I think we will finish in a month or less. I also bought geraniums for my veranda, I will clean them soon and prepare them for spring. But this is not the weekend, because the storm has just hit us.

I hope you are all well and see you soon.

monster craftsmanship

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