Photo compilation: September-October 2020

Welcome back! I'm back with another set of photos. I didn't post in October because I felt like I didn't have any new photos because most of the ones I posted on Instagram were blog photos. So I decided to wait until November.

Do you remember how you came home to the pool ? Well, I drew a lot and still haven't posted it. I still have a few dolls by the pool, I'm in a bathing suit, so I decided to put them on in early September, when it was still in season.

Made To Move LA Girl and Kim pool

LA Girl made to move outdoor photography grass

There were more pictures of different dolls in the garden. In these photos you can see Cassandra, a doll that I don't show regularly on my blog or that I'm not really interested in, so I decided to give her a sparkly moment.

Barbie Fashionista Tribal Romper flower wall

Barbie fashionista outdoor photography

I wanted to take some pictures of the dolls lying on the floor, as I have seen before, I think it is very beautiful. Natural grass seems completely disproportionate, but overall I'm happy with it.

The circle of dolls is completely off, but since it can be edited on instagram, I did not pay much attention to it.

I have some random photos I took for posts that I never posted or just received but can't share. The first one is my BMR1959 zigzag orchid poster I saw in my last post.

BMR 1959 Pazette redressed

These 3 photos were taken for my shelf , but not cropped. It's not that I didn't like them, I didn't think they were necessary և the post was as long as it was.

One of the things I experimented with was using my houseplants to feel like being outdoors. I don't have a large garden or balcony, but I do have a well-lit balcony. So one day I took one of the dolls and took some quick photos. It doesn't have the depth of field photos you can take in a real garden or outdoors, but it's much faster and requires fewer settings.

Barbie Fashionistas Vitiligo outside

I used portrait mode on my phone to hide the fact that you are looking at parsley և basil. I really liked the result, so I received several dolls.

While taking these photos, I thought I would take some photos with my Monster High dolls. I chose a few natural girl dolls because I thought they fit the theme better. I started with Venus McFlytrap, a doll that I don't show often because her eyes protrude a little from the camera և I find it hard to photograph. I chose several different positions, but decided to stick with this one.

Music Festivals Venus McFlytrap outside

This is my personal photo from this series taken by Jane Politely.

Monster High Jane Boolittle outside

Isi Dawndacer is a cute doll, but it's also hard to imagine. This was my favorite photo, her hair looked a little messy.

Monster High Monster Exchange Isi Dawndancer

I know some of you might find it helpful to post behind the scenes. So, I put everything together for a photo. I placed the tallest plant behind a styrofoam platform and tried to create a small size. For the background, I used a balcony privacy box to add texture to the image. The photo isn't very good as my phone's camera has been acting weird lately, but I think you get the point. The poor plant was bent because we had a strong wind for several days. I'm trying to get it right again, but it was very helpful for the photos.

And that's all there is. I have no idea what to send next because I don't seem to have much time. From next December, I'd like to do something about Christmas, even if it's just a series of quick photos. I don't have as much free time as I expected, but I try to organize my time better to take photos and work on some crafts. In any case, this semester will end in a few months, after which I can work on as many crafts as I want.

So what did you do? Have you tested your photos? Any news?

monster image

Additional notes to the photo collection.

Photo selection: August 2020

Photo selection: September - October 2021

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