Photo compilation: January-February 2022

Hello and welcome to another photo collection. If this is your first time in this series, I usually share some photos that I have posted on Instagram in the last two months and sometimes I will add something extra like a behind-the-scenes photo or a photo I created. What better way to start the march than by looking at all the photos from January and February.

I haven't taken too many pictures in the last few months. I have mentioned several times that I do not feel very inspired to make dolls. To see if I could get some inspiration, I tried "going back to the basics" and just took a few pictures with colored cardboard and dolls. That’s how I started taking pictures, so I thought it might help inspire me.

I didn't really think much about it, just bright colors and dolls.

After I started shooting with white and pink backgrounds, I had an idea of ​​other color combinations. For the second combination, I mixed pink with lilac.

One thing I like to do with these types of photos is to use a box as a medium to add contrast or "carry" color from side to side. This picture of Kira is an example.

I want to combine all the wallpapers with the new one using a color from the previous combination For this I used the same blue and purple colors as in the picture above.

This picture of Leah is one of my favorites from the set because of the color palette I created using Baby Blue and Pink Box. One of my favorite reasons with Victoria is because I really like poses.

I am also posting this picture taken while unpacking the Linder package but not the last post.

I took a break from photos to focus on some sewing projects (see my last post ) but once the “sewing” was done I decided to take some pictures on my porch. I have no idea about the color combination and as spring is coming I thought it might be nice to see. I wanted to take pictures of Chloe at her new top so she's here.

At this time of year, around 3 o'clock, the sun falls on the wall and a little on the floor. This helped me to create this effect in a photo where the upper part of the background looks very light but you can clearly see the doll. I also use "portrait" mode on my phone which makes the background even more blurry.

That's all I can share today. This is a pretty short post, but as I mentioned, I didn't take many pictures. Even though it was so small, it took me a long time to finish it. I am very worried about what is happening in Ukraine and I find it difficult to concentrate on anything. I don’t like to be too serious here because we have enough negative things in our daily lives, but sometimes we have to admit that what happens in the real world affects us.

Not wanting to end this post on a bad note, I will let you know that I have made some progress in sewing. Sasha and I are working on something that I think will be ready in a month or less. I also bought geranium for my porch which I will soon be cleaning and repairing for the spring. But not this weekend because we have just been hit by a hurricane.

Hope you all are well and see you soon.

Monster craft

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