Doll review: Barbie Looks model 2 (curvy)

Hello գալուստ Welcome to the 2022 First Doll Review. When I looked at BMR red hair in February 2021, I had not looked at dolls for over a year, so it's really time. I used to give tips, but now I do it little because I almost never buy a doll. The reason for this is that I do not have much money to spend on more dolls, but lately there is nothing in the market that really attracts my attention. But a few months ago, Mattel released the Barbie Looks series, և this doll that I really liked.

Barbie Looks 2 sitting on an orange and yellow backdrop

For those who do not like Barbie dolls, the Looks series is a collection of 6 dolls released in the summer of 2021 (see them here ). The series pays homage to the 2009 Barbie Basics series, but with the addition of a new statue of a moving body. At the end of that year, three new dolls appeared.

The initial retail price of these dolls is $ 20, which is a fair price considering that the first dolls made for transportation cost about $ 15-17. But in Spain, these dolls cost 30 euros, which is about $ 33. Very often the prices of dolls reaching European stores (in other parts of the world, but I can only talk about experience) rise significantly when they reach European stores, often up to twice. However, when the BMRs arrived in Spain in 1959, they kept them at the same price as in the United States and sold them for 30 euros if the price was $ 30. When that happened, I expected us to continue this trend, and Mattel's future releases were similar in terms of value. This can be done because they have already done so with BMR dolls. I was embarrassed by this reminder about these pricing decisions. ( Editor: I want to point out that I did not make this memoir about this particular doll, but about Mattel prices in general. For example, in the United States, the price of Star Wars Barbie dolls has risen from $ 100 to $ 180). Here:

Girl struggling to do maths

Despite what I said, I have to say that I was a little relieved to see that Amazon was sold for 30 euros, because the first European seller I got was 40 euros, which is twice the original price . I did not pay for this doll because it was a gift from Mr Hresh, I do not know how much he paid. However, they are selling for less than $ 25, which apparently paid for something close to the original selling price.

But stop thinking about prices եք Let's start with a realistic view. These New Look dolls come in white boxes with a clear front. It's very simple but smooth, I like it a lot. Packaging should not always be exaggerated, especially in this price range.

Behind the box we see the remaining dolls. The second one I have is the only one with a large body. Sorry for the awful photo, please. Before I started working on this post, I did not understand how bad some of these photos were. Since I took photos on different days, you can see the quality differences, so I apologize in advance.

First look at this beautiful lady coming out of the box.

She uses a new statue called Elle created for this line. When I first saw this doll, I thought it contained a statue of Salma , but it was new. Since there is no doll with a statue of Salma , I can not take a comparative photo, do they look alike?

Her makeup is very neutral, but has some metallic accents, mostly gold. For some reason, her makeup reminds me of Dolly, one of my favorite contestants in Season 3 Glow Up . Her prominent appearance was a hazy eye with a golden inner corner that can be seen regularly on Instagram . The goal is more dramatic, but the golden accents are reminiscent of it. If you are not familiar with the program, it is a make-up competition that is broadcast on the BBC in the UK, but you can watch it on Netflix in other countries. Participants are given a weekly make-up assignment, such as editorial make-up for a magazine photo shoot or special effects for a TV show, and each week the participant is left out.

This is an Instagram post.

Cover text DOLLI🌜🖤 (@ dolli.glam)

But this article is not about Glow up , this doll is a tip, let's go back to the bride. She wears a simple overall that is tied behind her back - silver ankle boots. This is the best photo you can see of her full dress. It's simple, but I think it can be very beautiful in the right style. I especially like his shirt, I think I can use it as a guide to work a bikini shirt or a loose dress in the future.

Here are the nearest boots. I can not remember seeing them before, so maybe it's a new design.

As I mentioned, it uses a moving body that offers wider positions. The first day I took a picture of him, I had a hard time getting the photos, which made me happy. He felt his wrist was rough, which did not help. But when I decided to go again a few days ago, everything got easier.

I'm very happy with this doll after all. I think it's a great addition to my collection because it's so different from my other dolls. I think there is a beautiful concept in this line, I like the idea of ​​taking the basic Barbie concept and adding a moving body to it. Its starting price ($ 20) is really good for a full playful doll with a stand. Of course, 30 euros is a little more expensive than what they have, not too much, but a little more expensive. She was the only cartel ready to pay the full price like the second wave blonde (by the way, this is the only cartel that is not in Spain). The rest of the workers are fine, but I personally would not pay the full price for any of them. I say do not make a mistake if you will, it is not just a priority for my personal taste և my current budget.

Elle with her hands on her hips. Orange and yellow background

I really hope Mattel will continue to produce dolls on this line. I know I can not buy all of them myself, but it's nice to see more affordable dolls with different body types and skin colors. I do not think they should continue to add new statues, which is great, but I would like to see statues that have not been used for a long time, such as the Mother / Lara statue. I just hope they will not throw the ball in the same line as they did with the best lines.

Let's end our article with a small personal note. I do not really think I'm talking about it, but I've had a recurrent migraine for a while. They were completely under control, but in the last few months (I would say a year) they started getting worse and more frequent. I saw a new doctor, and he gave me prophylactic medication to see if I could return to normal. It has some side effects, but one of the biggest ones is that it really distracts you and impairs your ability to concentrate. My attention stretches so fast that I do not have the best time management skills, so I am afraid that this drug will leave me with a root effect. What worries me the most is that since English is not my native language, this drug will affect my ability to write content, especially on a blog. There is nothing wrong with that; it's only temporary for a few months. Know that you may not be able to write normally for months.

Barbie Looks curvy outdoors

And that concludes my thoughts about the doll. Let me know in general what you think of this doll. Did you get anything out of this? Let me know.

I have no plans for the next post. Now I'm trying to finish the sewing project, I hope I will be able to share a completely dedicated post soon. I wanted to draw a thumbnail for a dollhouse, filmed the process for my Youtube channel , and here I was thinking of writing a special post with the finished product. But in light of all of the above, I do not want to promise anything or be too ambitious until I see how things are going.

I hope you are doing well և I will see you as soon as possible.

monster craftsmanship

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