Mini Review: Funko Pop! Princess Leia and Faye Valentine

Hi everyone! how are you? No, I haven't decided which celebrities to pick yet. Monster and I collected some furniture from Ikea and set up a doll room. I have to do doll checks before the new cycle starts, and I have a new sewing machine that I haven't used yet. I want to build a doll couch to display Barbie dolls on their new shelves.

Funko Pop Princess Leia Faye Valentine

Today I'm going to give you a quick overview of the two most recent Funco Pops. Statues: Faye Valentine and Princess Leah. I bought this a while ago and we have to show it to the rest of our Funko collection because Mr. Monster doesn't have the patience to open it. So, let's go.

Let's start with Ph. If you don't know, Faye Valentine was one of the main characters in the animated TV show Cowboy Bebop in the late 90's. The show was about a group of gifted hunters in a spaceship, Bebopp. It was very popular then and was one of my favorite cartoons.

Faye's chest is white with nice denim details.

We appreciate the artwork on the back of the box and may see other characters along the way.

Once shipped, Faye needs a clear base to stand on because her legs are so small. It's so detailed... I like it!

See details of this dress.

He has a very ugly back.

Leah's breast palate is the same shape as mine, but the design is simple with little detail.

Other Star Wars characters from this storm are behind.

Leah comes in black with the Star Wars logo. Of all the funky characters I've ever had, Star Wars is the only one that has that support. Has anyone ever seen her in other characters in the franchise? It sounds a bit different than other funk music and I think that's because it's old pop. Design. Oh, and the bird head.

It looks a bit weird.

Without the black swatch, Leah is much smaller than FE. Did they finally start expanding? My other figures are nothing less than vinyl.

Well this is a quick update to my Funko collection. I hope to write an article about dolls soon. Until now, I have to decide what names to choose for my daughters!

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