Making a "blurry lines" background for doll photography. An experiment.

Hey! How is your summer going so far?
While working on one of my previous posts, I spoke with a Fashion Doll stylist on Twitter and he gave me great ideas for drawing dolls. As we were talking, I had ideas for some patterns and motifs that could be used as background, but since my previous post was quite long, I decided to leave some for later.

When I started drawing dolls on my phone, my mind wandered around the blurred background / blurred lines. A few months ago I bought a new phone with portrait mode, which distributes the background more easily than the camera. In fact, some of the photos of my last post were taken on my phone. So it would be nice to have a vague / undefined background to make dolls. I also wanted to make accessories that could be easily found by anyone. So I gathered up my craft equipment and decided to give it a try. I have no plans, I have no idea how it will be, it was just pure motivation to do something. Spoiler warning. It did not turn out as I expected, but I learned one or two things along the way. Let’s start with my little experience.

At first I thought of drawing a large sheet of cardboard, but for the first time the project can be very large. Also, the A4 sheet is small and could not be bigger than a box of cereal, luckily I found out a few weeks ago that my regular stationery store sells the A3 size machine sheets I use. Tani Cfare. easier to work with. I bought two, one is white. I will use white art for today's art. I also decided to use two acrylic paints: Light Periwinkle Folk Art and Americana Acrylic at Sea Breeze .

I decided to put my paper in portrait mode, after placing most of my background with this egg, I thought it would look better. Then I measured half the paper and made a mark.

Since I wanted to make 3 rows, I decided to make them 7 cm (2.75 inches) wide. I started marking the center, making sure the center of the bar was in the middle of the paper. In other words, I measure the center 3.5 cm up, 3.5 cm down, starting from the place shown. From there I mark the top layer 7 cm high and the bottom layer 7 cm lower. I did not draw a complete line, I just scored points to get something. Because it's a vague background, I do not need to be perfect, I just want it to be the same.

Now is the time to start drawing lines. I start with the color of sea foam in the top layer. You do not need to paint with perfect strokes, just make sure the brush dries a little when you reach the edges.

I ended up doing something similar. Again, this does not have to be perfect, as the keyword here is "vague".

I then painted the bottom layer with virgin paint. However, you do not need to do perfect poses. You can first paint the inside and then, if you have it easier, you can use the dry brush technique to paint the edges.

My initial idea was to mix both colors and paint the middle layer with the color that came out of it and get a kind of color "gradient". However, you never know how some factory paints will behave when mixed. The formula may contain very fine pigment, but reacts strangely with other colors. Let's see what happens.

The color did not come out as I expected, so I added a little Amsterdam brand acrylic paint and started looking for what I wanted.

I painted the center layer with this color using the dry brush technique. If you think the center color is dominating the other two colors, you can always get more of them and make the edges sharper.

This is the end result. I know it's not a masterpiece, it's a little weird, but I hope it looks good on camera.

After drying, Lorna quickly brought McNeice for a photo shoot.

I think this color scheme will suit Lara from Generation Girls. I rescued it two years ago from my parents's house, I barely saw it here. Now is the time to shine.

I thought it would be a good idea to place the newspaper horizontally to see how it looks. It turns out I like it more.

Overall, I'm very happy with the result, although I made some mistakes, but they were not as big as I thought. I expected the colors to look more pastel, but they dried darker than I expected. Also, at first I wanted to create a watercolor effect, but I was afraid that if I painted too much, then I could end up with a card fund. He was a little wrinkled, but the colors took their place. Anyway, I think the camera looks nice. I can do such a thing in the future, but with warm colors next time I will try my colors only for the first time.

I also found printed paper at a small stationery store in my town. There is a small diamond print on one side, which looks very stylish on the camera.

Next to it is a print of the 70s. For some reason it reminds me of bathroom tiles.

This is a very large letter. For information we present you a photo from behind the scenes.

It's a brand called Maildor that I just saw on Amazon. If you want to find it, here are the details:

We hope you enjoy this article. It took me a long time to write it. I took all the pictures and after that I was so busy that I did not have time to write. Then, when I finally calmed down a bit, I was no longer inspired to write. I would like to write more articles by the end of the summer, but I'm a little busy, I do not know if I will find the time or energy. Not because I have no idea about future posts, but for the fact that how busy I am already, I think I will not have enough time, which makes me a little more stressed, less motivated to write. Has this happened to you before?

I would like to close this post with a positive note by calling my dear friend Dom. He was one of the first collectors of dolls that "futa", when he started collecting dolls, was very handsome. He is an OG collector and you can see his amazing dioramas on his website . You can also show her a little love on her Facebook page My Doll Space .

I wish you a wonderful summer, see you in the next post. takes care of


Note: I recently got my prizes and they were very good. Let's see how the next semester goes.

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