How to Make a Succulent Boutonniere with Boutstix
How to make watery buttonholes with Boustix
Weddings, proms, Mother's Day and the official season are here! Instead of spending a fortune on expensive pods, learn how to easily make your own. These lovely tabs are easy to make and master with the floral -printed Boutstix- magnetic closure that can be worn on clothes or meat without rivets.
Boutstix sent me some packets of their flower magnets after I contacted them about outing for their product! I'm trying to help a friend make some prostitutes for her daughter's official dance. This is magic!
If you want to make bracelets, read this article.
Buttonhole History:
During my first year of high school, I was asked to perform my first formal dance, Homecoming. My friend asked me at the last minute if I had bought a reseller for him. I did not even know it was a trick! I ran into the store the day before the dance and the only model they had was $ 18. I'm surprised! Too expensive for something I know I can do myself.
Another gruesome buttonhole story is my last year, the official Christmas dance. I bought my history view and installed it and SNAP! The whole rosette was split in half and the conductor was damaged. Her mom helped me pin her down so she could still carry it, but it's a total waste of money.
It was the last seller I ever bought. Learn from me and make your own.
This juicy buttonhole tutorial will show you how to make one with a fake succulent pick. Easily adapt to real flowers, silk flowers, real succulents and more ...
I have more fun cart tutorials to follow!
Here is a video of the process:
Accessories needed to transport succulents with Boustix:
- juicy shot
- Tape
- flower pot magnet
- flower ribbon
Step 1: package
Start by grouping the stems or fruits of any succulent or flower so that all the stems are arranged together.
Step 2: Lock it up!
Then wrap the collected points of the flowers or corn bulbs with flower ribbon.
Flower ribbons look like paper, but contain glue that is activated by stretching a little. Gently pull the strap around the stem.
It therefore holds while you drive and easily adapts to uneven shapes. It can get a little sticky, so start slowly and work carefully.
Roll up the package until you feel safe.
Step 3: Boustix
Now place the long strip of Boustix on the back of the low pack.
Roll block, also magnetic cap, strong enough to stay sticky.
Then off to Boustix.
Step 4: Decorate
It's part of the fun! Go ahead and decorate the robot the way you want. I know most men who wear it want it very simple ... so I just wear a bow. This is the perfect way to match her buttonhole to her dress!
You can also select rhinestones, buttons, etc. It can be rolled into place with a printer or then glued / pasted over. I usually wear more handcuffed corsets than buttonholes.
If you want to make bracelets, read this article.
there she is!
Perfect pod, right? Now you can make a complete wedding of it! This is a cheap way to add a touch of collar to a formal evening! With magnetic closure, it easily attaches to a suit or shirt without damaging it.
Buy Boustix from their website or maybe at your local florist .
If you use real flowers or succulents, store them in a spray bottle and refrigerate. They lasted two days.