How to make shabby chic crates for dolls

Welcome all! How is the end of summer going?

I'm still on Mr. Monster's laptop because I'm in tech. We don't know and we haven't received any messages. We are afraid that in August the technical department will close, which means that I will be left without a computer for a whole month. I just hope I can make it before school starts.

The advantage of not having my own computer is that I spend time at work when Mr. Monster is needed. One of the last things I created was a doll box the size of a doll.

Shabby chic doll crate for Barbie

First I started with the basics. I cut 5 popsicle sticks into 3-inch pieces. Then I aligned them and glued them with two transverse sticks. I used white glue and it worked great.

Then I cut 4 popsicle sticks into pieces as wide as the thinnest part of the base. When I cut out a piece, I like to smooth out the edges and remove some of the imperfections in the cut.

Then cut the two pieces horizontally and glue each side. Repeat for another size. Now we should have 2 parts that look like this.

Start gluing the pieces. I used cans of paint to keep the pieces in place while drying.

Then cut 6 pieces to go the longest size and glue them in place. I started with the bottom one, then the top one, and finally the glue in the middle.

And now we have it.

When the glue is completely dry, it's time to paint. I want to give it a bright chic look with two colors. I chose black as the main color. I used Aculux, the same color as the tables and chairs.

After 4 hours, you can apply wax to the places where you want to remove the paint. I apply with a thin brush and a cotton swab.

The wax dries in about 4 hours. Once dry, it's time to apply the second color. This time I chose this acrylic from Americana Deco called Sea Bridge .

Painting with Americana acrylic Sea Breeze

Let the paint dry for at least 2 hours, then sand it. This time I used a sanding pad (which you will use for washing dishes) and it worked much better than a steel sifting pad.

And here it is!

While everything was dry, I started working on the second box. I made it following the same steps, but this time I shortened it and used only 4 double crochets for the base and 3 for the sides.

Also, I only used two pieces to cross the long side.

For this, I chose a dark turquoise color that I used for the first hand chair.

painting with Acualux mate turquesa

For the second coat, I chose Americana Deco's light Dove Gray .

Painting with Americana acrylic Dove gray

I didn't use wax like the other box and it was harder to sand.

It's finally here.

It took me about 2-3 nights to complete them. The boxes were easy to make on my own, but it took me the longest time to dry the paint. This is a very simple and very fun craft. You can experiment with this and create different speaker models. I decided to give them this annoying look, or you can just paint them heavily or varnish them.

So what do you think? Have you ever worked in a business?

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