How to make shabby chic crates for dolls

Welcome! How's the end of summer?

I'm still using Mr. laptop. Monster because I work in engineering. We know nothing about it and we haven't received any news yet. We were worried that technical services would be shutting down in August, which would mean I'd be without a computer for a whole month. I just hope to get this in time before college.

Luckily I don't have a computer, because when Mr. Monster needs it, I do the sewing. One of the last things I did was bring a doll-sized box of dolls.

Shabby chic doll crate for Barbie

First I start from the basics. I cut 5 popcorn sticks into 7.5 cm pieces, then lined them and glued the two chopped sticks together. I used white glue and it worked great.

Then cut 4 popcorn sticks into sections as wide as the narrowest part of the base. When I cut a piece, I like to grind the edges to make it smooth, removing some of the cut imperfections.

Then cut it in half and glue it along the edges. Repeat for other sizes. Now we need to get two components that look like this.

Start gluing the pieces together. I use toner cartridges to keep parts in place while they dry.

Then cut 6 pieces to go through the longer dimensions, and glue them in place. I started by gluing the bottom, then the top and finally the middle.

And that's what we have now.

When the glue is completely dry, you can start painting. I wanted to give it an elegant look by using two colors. As the main color I chose black. I used Aculux, which is the same paint used for the table and chairs.

After 4 hours you can remove the hair from where you want to remove the dye. I apply it with a soft brush and cotton.

The wax dries in about 4 hours. When it's dry, it's time to apply the second color. This time I chose an acrylic from Americana Decor called Sea Breeze .

Painting with Americana acrylic Sea Breeze

Let the paint dry for at least two hours and then it's time to soften it. This time I used a rag (which will be used to wash the dishes) to soften it and it worked better than steel wool.

And he is!

Waiting for everything to dry, work begins on the second box. I did it following the same steps, but this time just made it smaller and only used 4 rods for the base and 3 rods for the sides.

Also, I only used two pieces to cross the longer side.

To do this, I chose a darker turquoise that I used for the chair as the first layer.

painting with Acualux mate turquesa

For the second layer, I chose a light gray from Americana Decor called Dove Grey .

Painting with Americana acrylic Dove gray

I don't use wax as much as the others and it's hard to grind.

Finally, here it is.

They take approximately 2-3 nights. The box itself is easy to make, but the paint drying time takes longer. This is a very simple craft and a lot of fun. You can try it and make different square designs. I decided to give them a vintage look, but you can paint them a strong color or paint them with varnish.

So what do you think? Do you do crafts?

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