Doll Review: BMR 1959 redhead boy

Hello and welcome to my blog. Today we are doing the first doll review of 2021. There was a time when I did a doll review, but those days are long gone. It's not only that I don't buy as many dolls as I used to, I'm also bored and feel like my content is getting old. No offense, but while I enjoy reading doll reviews here and there, I can no longer find blogs posting such great doll reviews.

While I don't do as many doll reviews as I used to, sometimes there are dolls that are worth spending some time on, either because they are quite unique or because I have something to say. about this And judging by my other two reviews of the 1959 BMR , I have something to say.

BMR 1959 Redhead Ken Review

Unlike my previous two BMR dolls, I didn't buy them myself, but received them as a gift from my Master Monster. I don't know how much she paid for it, but it's probably close to the original retail price ($30 or €30) since this particular doll doesn't seem to be on sale on Amazon . Is it worth it? let's find out

Like the other two dolls, she comes in a shoe-shaped box with a sketch of the doll. These boxes come in handy when you want to pack some dolls for an outdoor shoot.

The doll is protected by special tissue paper, which I think is good.

Minutes after removing the plastic strap our man was finally free.

He had fair skin, red hair and a very handsome face. It uses a new statue called "Tate", so let's keep calling it that. Fun fact, Carlisle Nuera, the creator of this doll, named this statue "Tate" because that is her middle name. Unfortunately, Tate suffers from "Pixel Face Syndrome" which has recently become very common with Mattel dolls. How collectible dolls came into being...

As with the rest of the line, I don't like the outfits that go with it. He wears a black and white hoodie, fanny pack, and bright yellow pants that deserve their own share.

The hoodie fabric seems to be of fairly good quality compared to the other two dolls I reviewed. The design is very good, but the torso is too short and the arms are too long.

I noticed that the shirt was sewn to the pants, so the navel wasn't visible when I raised my hand.

But what happens when you unbutton your pants and T-shirt?

Pants must be the most disgusting part of her outfit. He was wearing bright yellow sweatpants, which for some reason were unbuttoned at the sides. Master Monster thought the pants were torn the first time he saw it.

Do you know what reminds me of these pants? In the late 90's/early 2000's, some kids at my school wore these sweatpants with buttons on the sides and sometimes unbuttoned. I don't know if this is a trend elsewhere.

I don't like shoes. They look like regular sneakers on the front and crocs on the back. I was wondering if these shoes existed in real life, and they did. Just look for the Nike Air Force 1 VTF .

One thing I noticed about the fanny pack is that the buckle is very long. I understand they made it so that it can be attached to different parts of the body, but it's hard to hide it in photos.

It also comes with a blue shield which luckily is not attached to the doll.

Well, to start the summary of this review, here are my thoughts. I love the doll so much, this is what I've been waiting for from Mattel for a long time: an articulated boy doll with rooted hair and a not-so-cartooning face. I don't like the pixelated face paint that Mattel seems to be using lately, especially when it comes to dolls that are considered collectible. On camera, it doesn't look scary.

Fashion is not for me. I don't understand this style and I don't like the overall aesthetic of this line, although some things are nice. The fabric of his clothes was of slightly better quality than the other two. Since I didn't have a boy doll to date, I didn't buy Ken's fashion set, so I only had the clothes he borrowed from Ken's fashionista.

I still don't think these dolls are worth their $30/euro price. In fact, I don't think they're collectible dolls, but something like "luxury fashionistas." Even though they come with a fully movable doll holder and body, I think for $30 they should offer a lot more. Rainbow High dolls come with a doll stand and extra clothes and sell for the same price (about $28 I think). Not sure about the quality of these dolls as I don't have any, but on paper they seem to offer a lot more for the same price. For that price, this doll can come with extra clothes.

But despite all the bad stuff, this doll disappointed me less than the Kira doll. I don't know, maybe my expectations were lower because I already know pixelated faces. The last few days I often go to his house to take pictures, he is quite photogenic. In general, I am happy that such a boy doll has finally appeared in my collection, but I do not think that the quality of this doll is worth the price. Anyway, I'd recommend buying it while it's on sale.

Sometimes I don't understand what Mattel wants to do with the Barbie line. They have the capacity, experience, and budget to do more, but they always fail. Made To Move bodies debuted in 2016 and it's 4 years before they released the first Made To Move Ken that collectors have been asking for. Once on a blue moon, they dropped a curvy MTM doll and they were hard to find. Sometimes we feel like we are being fed crumbs, and for that we should be grateful. Don't get me wrong, they do some things right (like deformed dolls), but it looks like when they do, they take a step back and leave fans hoping for more.

A third 1959 BMR range is expected to arrive later in 2021, but to be honest, I'm not happy about it. Anyway, I'm more interested in the upcoming series of Made To Move games featuring curvy dolls. I have a few sturdy dolls that body donors can help out with if the price doesn't skyrocket. Who knows? Maybe 2021 will be the year Mattel finally starts listening to its fans.

If you made it here, thanks for reading my review. Sorry to ramble a bit at the end, but this is how I feel about Mattel these days. I'd love to hear what you think about this doll and this particular line. You understand

My next article will be out in early March. This will probably be a photo collection again, because in February I try to upload one photo a day. It will also give me time to work in other workshops, as that is where I spend most of my time. So another craft project can be expected in mid-March.

So what do you think about this guy? What would you like to see from Mattel?

Tinker Monster

My Cooking Blog: Cooking with MC

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