Doll review: Barbie Fashionistas "L.A. Girl"

Good-bye! Thank you all for your kind comments on my last post. I don't usually get many comments, so I was very surprised.

I took a short break making another doll to review. This time I'll be looking at a Los Angeles girl from the 2015 series Barbie Fashionistas , who is also known as a clean-shaven blonde. I wanted this doll from the first time I saw it, but was waiting for a clear copy of it, but since it didn't happen, I decided to buy it anyway.

Barbie Fashionistas LA Girl Review

Let's start with the square. All Fashionista dolls have the same box. Fashion lovers don't have names, they have numbers, some have numbers in the box, and they don't. I bought this doll from Toys'r'us in Spain, and I believe the rest of the label you see is the price when it was in the store.

There is nothing special behind the box, I like the first one in one corner of the photo of some fashion designer, on the left.

It was very easy to open this box. I don't understand why some drawers are so hard to open, because these are mainly for young children. Finally, from this box:

Barbie Fashionistas LA Girl Doll Review

This doll uses the shape of a captain's head and has brown eyes, light brown eyebrows, red lips and a mole. I think he has a very nice and cute face.

Barbie Fashionistas LA Girl Elizabeth

This doll is famous for her hair. She has light brown hair with light pink shades. She also had blue hair in the prototype, but she wasn't the last doll. One side of her hair is gathered (to look curly). Unfortunately, her hair, in my opinion, is a little poorly styled and looks strange and unnatural.

LA Girl fashionista hair

You need to wash your hair, but this will happen after the examination. I tried to straighten my hair by combing it with a Monster High brush and my hand. Not perfect, but better.

She wears a blue sleeveless blouse with the inscription "LA Girl". The prototype had sleeves on the blouse, so in the latest version, the doll was different again. She's also wearing this black skirt made of some vinyl that's trying to imitate leather.

For me, the clothes are ordinary, but nothing special. Although I like the skirt.

Wear this light green colored bag that will add sparkle to your outfit.

Her shoes are very simple black ballet flats. On the prototype, her shoes were the same color as the bag, but I prefer black because it goes with everything and matches many outfits.

I think with this doll they tried to make her look like a girl with a brave face, not afraid to experiment with her looks, and that suits me. I feel there are some things you could be better with, and it could be on other lines.

Finally, I am happy to purchase this doll, it is very beautiful and I think it would be a good addition to my collection. She is as strong as a palette, like all fashionistas, but I found her intimidating body to match her skin tone.

Barbie Fashionista LA Girl review

By the way, the Fashionistas do not have official names, but there was a photo with their names on the Internet (maybe it was made by their fans). The woman's name was Elizabeth, and it seems that her fans are mistaken for her. But to me, she looks like Victoria. What do you think?

What do you think of the girl from Los Angeles? Or do you call her Elizabeth or Victoria?

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