Doll Review: Barbie Fashionistas Curvy "Platinum Pop"

Hello! How are you? I're not in the mood to post on blogs or even social media lately. I'm having trouble with my job, with a terrible new schedule, with a bad mood from colleagues. We're also doing some family reunions, so I do not have much time on the blog. But it's okay, I do not want to bother you with my problems, so let's talk more nicely - about dolls.

Today I would like to review Barbie Fashionista # 63 "Platinum Pop" from this year's Fashionista collection. This doll has a brand new curved body և when I first saw her I just wanted her to be in my collection.

As always, I will show you a picture of the box, there is nothing special about it. I like the background with lightning

And here it's out of the box.

Uses platinum pop skipper head template and has hazel green eyes and purple lipstick. Her eyes were not completely smooth, but she still looked beautiful. In fact, it is very similar to the oil ball leaf.

She has platinum silver hair in a ponytail. It takes a long time, but I'm not surprised.

The doll's skull usually matches the color of her hair, but this time her skull was painted in that color because the color enhances the silver.

She wore a fairly simple navy blue dress with a doll pattern. The dress is not very frillies, but I like the style more than So Sweet.

She wears red striped high heels. If you feel déjà vu, it's because Plaid on Plaid wears the same navy blue shoes.

Overall, I'm happy with Platinum Pop. I like the skipper print on the head, և his face looks really beautiful. However, they can put more effort into the quality of their clothes even though we have 15 dolls a year instead of 40.

I usually ask for a name for my doll, but I already have one for her. Since she has platinum hair, I thought of calling her Dina, also known as Dina Lance, SE Canary.

So what do you think of Platinum Pop? Is it in your collection?


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