Behind the scenes: dolls in a pool photography

Hello again! The school year started a few weeks ago so I've been busy but thought I'd get on with writing soon.

Every time I check Instagram this summer my bow tie is full of gorgeous pop pics next to the pool. Most of them were in oversized bathing suits, and some were sunning themselves by the pool. I just want to take a picture with a doll. But the biggest problem is that I don't have a pool, I don't have family and friends who have a pool house. So I had to get creative and build my own pool.

I posted some of these photos a while ago on my Instagram and Facebook groups, The Pink Lounge . My photos got a lot of positive comments and people found my style very interesting. So I thought it might be a good idea to make a short post and split it up for you.

I've been thinking for weeks about how to create a more or less realistic pool. I needed a large enough plastic container to hold the doll. And then I realized I had a basket of Ikea tea clothes big enough to fit a doll in. I also managed to find a floatie owner in Primark for only 1 euro. I'm not happy that it has a Minnie Mouse theme, but I couldn't find another theme at a cheaper price.

I take my laundry basket out onto the little porch (I use it mostly for drying clothes) and fill it with water. Here's how to put one together for use in photography.

Since the pool was small enough, most of the photos I was able to take were close-ups. The perfect container for a doll pool can be a children's pool as it is large enough to take photos from afar. If you don't have a children's pool, use a blue or green plastic bucket.

I achieve the best effect when the sun touches the water and mix it slowly with my hands. I placed the laundry basket where some of the sun would hit and the rest would be in the shade.

I took the photos on two different days. The photo with Lea (eyebrow) was taken on the first day and is rather experimental. My mother, who came to my house without the first call hoping I would be free, cut it off. Why do visits always take place at the most uncomfortable moments? The second shot wasn't great because I took the photo a bit late, almost in the afternoon because the sun was so hot and I could barely see the phone's screen. Too much sun doesn't help me to take the best photos either.

We also have a small deck made out of two teak trees that one of the companies I work with will cast. It's a bit damaged because I didn't look good, but when I moisten it, it darkens and looks nice again. I took a relaxed photo of Leah with it.

If your deck doesn't have a teak floor, you can have a table or chair that creates a similar effect.

That's all for me today. I hope you enjoy it and it will inspire you to take summer photos even if you don't have a pool. I know October isn't the best time of year to post, but the good thing is that you now have months to figure out what you can use to create your own pool of dolls.

I don't know, because I'm busy enough at university, will I ever be able to write a new post soon? I have some photos from an outdoor photo shoot I did a few weeks ago and I wanted to write a special post for it. I'll see if I have time. In the meantime, be careful.


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