Acrylic Dirty Pour Painting on Serving Tray with Resin DIY

Using shades of blue paint to pour swirls and cells on a round bamboo serving tray, coated in high gloss resin.

Dirty acrylic paint on stairs with homemade resin.

Prepare dirty pork chops on a serving plate. This fun craft is perfect for all levels. Trust me, I'm new.

Have you seen the latest trends in painting? Acrylic modeling is one of the most enjoyable forms of art and creativity. Every drop is a surprise. You don't have to plan much how it will look... It's like the discovery of geodesy.

I have done a lot of research և I will try to help beginners through the process. If you have any questions, write me an email և I will help you. A lot of acrylic stains are made on the canvas and excess paint is rolled off the edges. Throwing it in a drawer, we expect it to work flawlessly, with no excess paint.

Here are some tips for pouring paint.

* Do not rush
* strongly mixes the paint
* Do not mix, scrape or stir too much
* Get everything you need before you start
* Do not overload

Required stock:

(affiliate link)

Apple Barrel 10 Color Acrylic Paint

One (12") round serving bowl or 12" x 12" flat or MDF board.

Flutrol silicone ointment for treadmills

10 disposable plastic cups, mixing sticks, disposable tables, 1 large cup

Glossy water-based resin

Here is a video of the process to help you figure it out.

Start painting the surface of the tray or cloth. I chose this base, but in all likelihood it won't work.

Pour 3/4 oz of Flutrol into each cup.

Add one or two pea-sized drops of Floetrol to Apple Barrel Acrylic Paint. Spend some time studying և to see the colors. If you know me, I'm always in the blues. I love blue! Choose colors that work together.

Red is difficult to work with, especially if you add white, as the details will blend with the intimidating pink. You can try mineral dyes, some of which are known to cause buildup and don't mix well with Floetrol.

If the product does not suit you, grate the paint, let it dry և repeat the process.

Stir each glass with a whisk. Then pour two small drops of silicone grease into each cup. This will help create unique cells in the finished product.

Pour 3-5 drops of water into each glass. The paint should be warm honey thick. It must be thrown away, and not just go everywhere նել to mix.

Then place the smaller colors one by one in the larger cup, forming a kind of bull's-eye pattern. Change lighter և darker shades of paint.

When you pour it on a cloth, it fills the entire cup... you don't want to touch the spill. However, the tray won't leak... so we only need about 4-5 ounces of paint per cup.

Then pour the paint directly into the tray with the strange egg. As you work on the rag, place a large trash bag with 4 cups on it on the table. Lay the fabric over the cups.

The excess paint will slide off the fabric and into the trash bag, creating "skins" that can be used for other projects.

Raise the tray, bend the paint until the paint fills the entire base. Don't overload. Use a butane torch or heat gun to ignite any bubbles you may have... this will bring more "cells" to the surface.

Put the box down and close it. Lay it on a flat surface և let it dry slowly for 3 weeks. It must be dried and processed.

It becomes opaque after drying և opaque... Use a tea towel soaked in warm water քիչ a little Dawn dishwashing detergent to remove paint և to remove silicone oils. Don't rub or rub hard.

Put it back in the box and mix with the resin.

Read the instructions on the package carefully. Mix 4 ounces of resin (1 square foot for the project). Complete the mixing steps in two steps լց Place the resin in the pot.

Wait 20 minutes, then use the heat gun to blow bubbles. Then close the box and let it dry for a week or two.

Leakage of paint after removal will be incredible. Bright and lively. All these circles and cells of paint will come to life.

And you will be completely dependent on color casting.

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