Doll review: Porter Geiss

Hi my pop lovers what are you doing?

Sorry, I haven't posted anything yet but the house needs to be cleaned at once and my house needs it. I also didn’t have too much inspiration to write anything this week, I’m so sorry in the puppet world. Despite the good experience of others, I did not have much experience with Mattel's customer service. So, you probably know, I don't expect to come to this blog and talk about their products.

But let's forget about customer support and move on to reviews. Today I 'm reviewing Geiss from the Monster High Haunted Porter series. From this line I have reviewed Kiyomi Hunterley and River Styx, you can read more here and here. Porter is the son of a polytheist and attends high school with ghosts. In fact, this doll is ridiculous because it took me a hundred years to find it, and other collectors tell me they've seen it in many stores. I had to buy it from Amazon and thanks to the amazing Spanish postal service, I couldn't confirm it until I started college.

Porter is an artist and likes to draw what he gets, which is why he is nicknamed an artist. He always seems to be in control.
Like the Porter Box Kiomi and the River Box. I like this kind of box because you can see the whole doll and I also like the chain-like details.

You can read the little porter on the back of that box in many languages ​​besides me. I'm not surprised that this doll came from Germany.

In fact, I think Porter's work looks better than the original doll.

And it finally came out of the box.

Porter's light green leather, semi-transparent plastic, like kyomi and vandal. Her hair is green and both are the same color so it does not collide with her skin. I'm not crazy about hair, but it's not the worst hairstyle I've ever seen on a boy doll.

One of Porter's hands was carved into what looked like a spray can.

Porter wore this chain around his shoulder to hold two colored cans. It’s a little weird because it looks like a bag on the front, but when you turn it on, there’s nothing in the back.

I opened the color chain to get a closer look at Porter's clothes. She wears a pink and blue short-sleeved shirt over her chest and arms. The color of her clothes seems abrupt. The shirt was too long and stuck between his pants.

Like 90% of Monster High dolls, Porter wears shorts. These are really great, the design of a brick wall and they have some color, but the size is very small.

He also wears this chain belt, which should go below the waist, but continue to go up. Like this color gallery, it has some nice details.

Like the girls at Monster High, men's shoes are nothing special. They are made of blue plastic to give a ghost style but I think they look good in other colors. It’s not a super trendy design, but it’s great and at least you don’t wear shoes like Gil Weber in a palace.

Not the best designed doll in the Porter Monster High series, and I wasn't quite attracted to her when she arrived, but I wanted to get as many monsters as possible. I don't like the fact that Mattel doesn't pay attention to what boys pay for girls. Most seem to be resting on their reputation as "girlfriends" or "romantic desires" instead of having their own personalities.

Porter Geiss doll review

Conclusion I don't like porter porter but I'm not crazy about it. He’s an artist and I love him because he loves knowledge because that’s the essence of his character, not just the spectra loving soul.

Haunted Porter Geiss

And by the way, my messy collection ended.

Haunted Monster High Vandala Kiyomi River Porter

So what do you think of Porter? Do you have it in your collection?

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