7th blogoversary

Today, April 24, 2020, marks the 7th anniversary of my blog. I can not believe that so many years have passed since I came up with the idea to create The Monster Crafts (it will be just Monster Crafts , but it has already been taken). A lot has happened since then, and the blog has taken a completely different direction from what I had originally planned.

The first attempt to use my house as wallpaper.

I started this blog inspired by a blogger friend called Lolar Mini Homes . He did a great monster school and a boarding school for cartoons, and I liked that. I wanted to do something similar, but in life I had other plans and could do nothing. Shortly after I started my blog, I started working almost full time and in September I went to university, so I had very little time to work on a big project.

I wanted it to be a mostly craft blog, but the truth is I did very little craft work. Lack of time, space and, let’s face it, occasionally patience made me put this idea aside, which was very frustrating because I had so many ideas I couldn’t come up with. Also, sometimes I find it hard to find the right materials. I do not think that the "craft culture" that exists in other countries exists in Spain, although I think it has begun to change. I hope that now that I have a little more time and space, I create more often.

Rosey Romper Monster Crafts blog

When I started blogging, I could not speak English for several years, but I still decided to do it in English because I spoke English with everyone I contacted. My first post ... are bad! I just started blogging, which seems to be 10 years old. If you've ever read this ... please do not judge me. I tried to learn by reading other blogs that aimed primarily at the younger audience. I think I'm done better since then, but I could have done even better, especially if I reread my texts before clicking "Discover".

I think blogging is not as popular as it once was, and there have been times when I have thought about giving up blogging, but in the end I am glad I did not. Strange enough, I think I grew up with this blog and will eventually miss it. I hope to write for many years and be with me.

A small note, I do this on a personal level. I'm very busy at university (so the post is not very long), but so far I'm fine. No one in my family has been infected with the virus and everything is fine. We are expected to leave our house in early May. I look forward to going to my old house and finishing the move.

I hope everything goes well at this wonderful time. Careful.

Monster products.

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