What I got for Christmas

Congratulations again! I didn't expect to write more soon, but I expected to graduate from college a few days ago and I'm here. To date, I have officially graduated from university. I hope the weather is good, there is no noise like last year, I have to go back to university. Or if I'm feeling a little tired, I'd like to use the fact that I'm still in "work mode" to write a short note describing all the sweets I bought for Christmas.

As I mentioned in a previous post, we are not given many Christmas gifts, just one or two small gifts. We can't open most of our gifts until the night of January 5th. Three Kings / Race Magos. I didn't order anything about dolls this year, because I wasn't particularly worried, and I already have 3 BMR 1959 dolls, which intrigued me even more. But apparently, the stars calmed down, and Mr. Hresh learned that the star was selling Princess Lear Barbie dolls. He asked me if I liked it and I said yes, but I didn't think to buy it because it was expensive. She couldn't have been happier accepting it as a Christmas present for me.

The Star Wars doll sells for 100 to 100 on Mattel's website. It sells for 180 euros, which is twice as much as 220. However, he refused to pay that much. Even if you are a collector, this price is absolutely ridiculous for a Barbie doll. If I could pay that much for a doll, I would try to buy a doll from Integrity Toys. Luckily, Mr. Monster saw that it was on sale on Amazon for 80 euros, and he had a 5-euro coupon, so he bought it for only 75 euros. When I said it was sold, I meant that he was stealing the original price.

Star Wars Princess Leia Barbie doll face

The doll is really beautiful, but I still do not think it will be 180 euros. I'm not taking it out of the box yet, it will appear in the box in the living room where our other Star Wars characters are.

15:00 Wise man, I have nothing to do with dolls. I found a few handicrafts that will be used to create photo props and backgrounds for my dolls. First, I bought this valuable collection of 16 colors from Americana Acrylics . If you don't have enough resources, this can be a great way to start a craft business. The only color in this collection is royal blue , but I've used it a lot, I use it, so it's good.

Americana Acrylic 16 colors value set

Other colors included in this collection: Snow White , Light Resin , Royal Fuchsia , Cherry Red, Real Red, Bright Orange , Bright Yellow , Holiday Green, Forest Green, Turquoise (I'm happy to try) Acid Powder , Dioxin Purple , Dark and Gray Black Lamp :

To make the shipment more successful, Mr. Monster bought me two colors: Sea Glass and Sea Bridge . I already have a Sea Breeze , but it's running out, the first store I bought doesn't use this color anymore. He did not stop, but apparently decided to replace it with something else.

Mr. Monster bought all the acrylic paints from an online store called Mia Mandarin . This is a small Spanish company run by a beautiful young woman. Although it has to pay higher shipping costs than other large companies, Monster said the overall shopping experience is excellent. If I need to learn more crafts online , I will check out Mia Mandarin first .

It has nothing to do with dolls or crafts, but the biggest gift I've ever received is Mr. Monster and a fan I've worked with for a long time. This is the right time, because I have just started a culinary blog with Cooking called MC . I am already working on my first recipe, which will be published soon. My goal is to share my favorite dishes, including some traditional Spanish dishes that are not very popular internationally. I fully understand that not everyone who watches this blog is interested, but if you can follow me there.

That's what I have to share today. At the end of the month I will try to return with artisan pasta, but the temperature here is very low and I can not properly ventilate my workshop. Well, see what I can do.

So what did you get for Christmas? Related to a doll?

Monster crafts

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