Photo compilation: November-December 2020 (plus 2020 recap)

Happy new year! I hope you all have a good rest և you will start the year well. I do not want to worry too soon, because 2020 started quite well and in March everything got worse. Yes, yes, I'll wait a few months to think this is going to be my year.

For my first post in 2021, I would like to select photos և summarize the results for 2020. I hope you can stick to the plan և this post will not be everywhere. Let's start.

As you know, I returned home in mid-February. We wanted to come home year after year, and it finally happened. The new house has some advantages և some disadvantages compared to the old house for doll photography շատ in general much better natural light. Recently I was painting some dolls on my balcony, using my own trees as a support. It's an easy way to feel like a stranger if you can not / do not want to go out. They are being prepared somewhere in the middle of November.


Interest. We used to have a small balcony in the old house, but I never used it exceptto paint the pool . To be honest, it was not in the best condition, we were not going to fix it, because we knew we were going to leave.



Generation of character girls

I wanted to experiment with white. I use them in black and white on my phone instead of coloring and then editing them. So you can see what they look like in real time.

Hope in black and white



One thing to do in 2020 is my photophone. In 2019, I started looking for ideas to use as a photophone to make my photos more attractive. In September 2019, it occurred to me to use cardboard to connect my scenes, but I was in school չուն I did not have time. Then I was busy, I was going home, plus it was a whole epidemic, I could not buy embroidery tools. So I did not start this project until July 2020. You can watch the first issue of the series here .

Victoria և hope in real blue

This is a true blue American acrylic paint. I really like this color, it's so bright, it fits most of my dolls. However, these photos were taken for an Instagram event called # monday4dolls. The theme of the week was jackets and coats.

I used the same background for these photos, but added a temporary dull blue. I have used it several times as here . I'm not crazy about it, I just wanted to try something different.

These photos were taken with my old phone, so I'm wondering if I can get the best effect with my new camera phone.

I like to make all my backgrounds thick and colorful by blocking the backgrounds, but at some point I start looking for colors և ideas that might seem more realistic. Most of my ideas now relate to the realistic wallpapers and posters I used for my Christmas photos. I got them after posting my last post . The background remained the same, I just invited more dolls.


Kim and Rosie feel festive


In general, I am very satisfied with the background. I intended to write 3 posts from the Mix'n'Match series and managed to write two, which is not bad. I hope that in 2021 I will be able to create 3 parts և other basic ideas that I have.


Another thing I wanted to do in 2020 was outdoor photography, I didn't have the opportunity to do that until June. As some of you may know, I'm not so sure about photographing my dolls in public. However, my sister spent the summer in a large house with a garden and a swimming pool, which allowed me to take outdoor photos in private. It was such a blessing, I can take so many photos that I still have something I have not even shared. One was a picture of my vitiligo doll.

In early October I wanted to paint dolls on the street և we decided to go to the place we visited in 2019 . So we decided to go one afternoon when Mr. Monster came home early from work. Unfortunately, they changed their working hours a few days ago, և we arrived an hour before closing time. This has already increased the pressure on public photography, that I have already prepared my excuse, "this is a marketing project for college." He's my old phone is starting to show strange behavior, it will not focus on the doll's face. These are the only two photos I was happy with.

I asked for photo ideas on Instagram, Barbie suggested making outdoor waterfalls in my area, as it will probably be very different from other parts of the world in autumn. Where I live, I do not have many open spaces where I can easily walk, except for the area you see above. We do not have big gardens or lakes, but we do have a beach. When I got my new phone, I took some landscape photos, mostly from the beach. So I decided that what I really needed to do was learn how to do it right.

In general, I am very satisfied with what I have achieved in 2020. I know that in general, 2020 was a terrible year, many people suffered from the epidemic. But the year was not bad for me. I was able to return home, what I wanted to do for so long, և After 8 years of hard work, I graduated from college. I am also working on my mental health, now I feel better. That is, if I could take the "epidemic" out of the equation, I would say it was a good year.

As for the blog, it was a good year. Overall, I'm very happy with the content and reviews we created in 2020. I managed to create quite a few projects on my to-do list, like the few I decided to create along the way. . Over the years, I managed to create one or two such projects, and the rest were forgotten. I'm excited about new readers when blogs are no longer popular!

I have several plans for 2021. I want to make more dollhouse furniture so you can expect some tutorials soon. Obviously, I will continue to build walls և lining, who knows when my lining started. I wanted to design at least two new floors, one with a marble effect and the other wrong, but probably with a concrete effect. I would also like to make a wooden floor, but I think I can not do so many projects, so we leave it until 2022. I would also like to start sewing. I know, I know, I've been saying this for 5 years, but one of the pieces of furniture I want to make is Debbie, so I think I should make at least a few pillows. I hope 2021 will be the year of the stars, կարող I can finally start sewing.

I hope you have a good Christmas. I still have a few weeks in college, և then I'm free until ... I can find a job that will be difficult given the situation. I do not know when my next post will be և what it will be. We celebrate the Night of the Three Kings on January 5, when we receive most of the gifts. I asked for handmade materials ով I hope they heard me. Depending on what I have, my next post will be "What I Got for Christmas" or an embroidery tutorial.

All of you from 2021.

Crafts with monsters

We will be in touch.

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