What I got for Christmas

Happy to see you again! I didn't expect to write another article soon, but I expected to graduate from college a few days ago, so here I am. As of today, I officially graduated from college. I hope this time will last forever and there will be no cheating like last year and I have to go back to college. Although I'm feeling a little tired, I still feel like writing a quick post with the good stuff I found on Christmas, using the fact that I'm still in "working condition".

As I said in my last post, we don't get many presents on Christmas Day, only a few or two. We won't be able to open most of our gifts until January 5th until Epiphani. I don't want anything to do with the doll this year because I don't like anything and I have 3 BMR 1959 dolls that I really like. But it turns out the stars have aligned, and Mr. Monster found out that Star Wars Princess Leah Barby was selling a doll. He asked me if I liked it and I said yes but I didn't think to buy it because it was so expensive. She gave me a Christmas present like the first and I couldn't be happier.

The Star Wars doll sells for $100 on Mattel's website. They cost €180 here, which equals €220, more than double. Of course, I wasn't ready to pay that much. This price is very funny for a Barbie doll even if it is a collective doll. If I can overpay for a doll, I'll try to get the doll out of Loyalty Dolls. Luckily, Mr. Monster saw that it was sold on Amazon for ዩ80 and had a €5 voucher, so he only received €75. When I tell you it was sold, I mean it was stolen for the real price.

Star Wars Princess Leia Barbie doll face

The doll is great, but it still doesn't cost me 180,180. I still don't plan on opening the box and more Star Wars stats will appear in the box in our living room.

I couldn't find anything regarding 3 Kings Night Dolls. What I discovered were crafts that were then used to create supports and backgrounds for my doll photos. I first got this set of 16 colors from Americana Acrylics . If you don't have a lot of items, this looks like a great tool to start creating your own crafting kit. The only color I have for this collection is true blue , but I've used it a bit and my color is fading, so no big deal.

Americana Acrylic 16 colors value set

Other colors included in this kit: Snow White , Light Buttermilk, Royal Fuchsia , Cherry Red , True Red , Bright Orange , Bright Yellow , Holiday Green, Forest Green, Indian Teal (can't wait to try it). Duck blue, dioxin violet , dark chocolate , light gray and light black.

To cover the transportation costs, Mr. Monster brought me these two colors: glass sea glass and sea bridge . I have a sea deck but my paint is running out and the store I first bought doesn't sell this paint. It didn't stop, but they clearly decided to replace it with something else.

Mr. Monster got all of Mia Mandarinna 's acrylic paint online store. It's a small Spanish company run by a beautiful young lady. Although shipping costs more than other big companies, Mr. Monster said his overall shopping experience was excellent. So if I need to buy more crafts online, I would look at Mia Mandarinan first .

It has nothing to do with dolls or crafts, but the biggest freebie I got was an air freshener, Mr. Monster and I had been trying for a while. It's time to let go and move on. I am already working on my first recipe which will be published soon. My goal is to share some of my favorite dishes, including some of the best known traditional Spanish dishes. I fully understand that not everyone who follows this blog will be interested, but you are welcome to follow me there.

That's all I have to share today. I'm trying to get back to work before the end of the month, but now the temperature here is too low and I can't get enough air in my classroom. Let's see what I can do.

What did you get for Christmas? Nothing to do with toys?

Monster Craft

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