Watercolor Floral Notebooks with The Cinch Binding Tool!
Watercolor floral notepad with belt.
I love making notebooks, magazines, journals or sketchbooks, և Cinch Binding Tool is the perfect tool.
I'll show you how to make your own notebooks for a great handmade gift, a great drawing, a journal, or just for fun. Make a notebook on a thread in minutes.
I found The Cinch three years ago at a local thrift store for $15. Wasn't sure this would work...it's a risk you take when buying used items.
I argued for a bit...but then I realized I could refund the store credit if the machine didn't work. I bought it, never looked back.
Here is the video of the Cinch ripping machine in the previous post.
Notebooks are best prepared as desired. We take the size, we take the filler paper, we mix. Take different sizes of yarn և make it as thick or thin as you want.
I started in the middle of the 4 main books, but after cutting the paper I had quite a few extras. So I come up with ideas and seeing them come to fruition is really fun.
Make a թող notepad, leave the cover blank to decorate the recipients, or shape the cover like I did.
These little notepads are perfect for a quick set of notepads and make a great gift for teachers.
Good professional advice.
If you have a splicing machine , the wires can be very expensive. I requested a free pitch 2:1, 3/4" gold and white thread.
In fact, now that I have a car, I can't imagine it without it. Now at a good price, in time for the holidays.
Materials needed to craft Notebooks for Tulips.
Wire connection 2: 1 3/4" diameter, 1 1/2" diameter.
Strathmore Heavyweight Mixed Media Paper (This paper is extra heavy and suitable for notebook covers)
(Can be filled with color paper, watercolor paper, sketch paper, filler, etc.)
For watercolor.
Dr. PH Martens India Ink (provides rich, rich color)
Step 1: Watercolor
Start by shrinking the thick Strathmore Mixed Media notebook. Then color it with the egg you want. Then let the ink dry completely.
Covers can also be left blank for the recipient to create their own.
Step 2: Cut the paper
Now cut the filler paper, the cardboard cover so that it fits inside the notebook. These beautiful books measure 4 x 6 inches.
Each book requires a piece of basic agglomerate for the top, mixed media. Filler paper can be 1/2 inch in total thickness...so depending on the thickness of the paper you are filling, the amount of paper may vary.
Step 3: Drill holes
Now read the environment diagram. Since my paper is 6 inches wide, I have to remove the number 12 pen so it doesn't make a half hole. Then align the paper to the left and pull the lever.
Cinch can process up to 20 finished pages at a time. I usually do about 6-8 pages at a time.
Repeat the drilling process for the entire agglomerate load և.
Be sure to nail it to the pallets only from the back and both sides, not the front.
Step 4 Stamping
Now is the time to stop and move on. Start counting the holes in the paper. Then cut the thread to make as many rings as possible. Then hang the wire on the side of the car.
First install the chipboard protection on the cables.
Next, turn the cables from the chipboard to face the laptop lid.
When you open the lid twice, make sure it is the right way round. I mixed a few!
Then fill all the filling with paper.
Step 5. Contact
Gently lift the wires from the edge, laying them straight around the perimeter. Make sure it is set to match the size of filament you are using. Then press the lever to bring the strings together.
Then turn off the laptop and check the cables. I love how easy it is with them.
Repeat this process for as many laptops as you can imagine.
I usually start with a piece of paper, a little larger than the finished product, so I can trim the edges of the նել to blend the image into the notebook.
After cutting the core into 4x6 inch pieces, I left a lot of debris that I didn't want to throw away. So I cut out a piece of cardboard - cover paper to fit - I used pieces of wire to bind the little notebooks.
What's your favorite notebook? I dedicate some to Christmas, although I love notebooks and collect them. This is what makes the Cinch Binding Tool so useful, wonderful, and truly worth its weight in gold.
Add a handful ալի fun middle note, boom. The perfect gift! My daughter and I have started a travel diary. He draws on one page, I draw on another... we come and go, eager to see each other's drawings or thoughts.