Tagged: Liebster Award

Welcome everyone.
I'm sorry for not sharing for a long time, but I'm in college։ I do not have time to write an article. I wanted to look at the dolls before class, but I could not because of the excellent Spanish postal service. However, I took the time to write this blog post.

Black Kitty from the Multicrafteral Lab nominated me for the Liebster Award. The goal of the Liebster Award is to get to know other bloggers better և discover new blogs. The basics of the Liebster Award are:

1. Gratitude to the candidate ում link to his blog
2. Give your readers 11 random facts about yourself.
3. Answer the candidate's 11 questions.
4. 11 bloggers are nominated for this award.
5. Find 11 questions for your candidate.

Okay, let's go ...

Random facts about me.

1. My favorite color is purple. My favorite color is yellow.
2. I have a little agoraphobia, so I get a little nervous when I get bored.
3. One of the things I'm proud of is getting a degree while working full time. I'm so lazy, I never thought I could do it.
4. There is a wide range of allergies.
6. My ultimate goal is to get a doctorate.
7. I have something for vintage inspired 50 items: 50s.
8. When I was 11 years old, I created my own fashion collection for dolls.
I have been wearing glasses since I was 9.8 years old.
10. As a shop assistant, I miss treating people like mothers.
11. I'm probably the biggest cow you've ever met.

1. Do you collect anything other than dolls?
My friend: and I want to assemble Lego Architecture, but unfortunately our favorites are not available or very expensive, so we now have only one Lego in our collection.
2. What is your favorite part of the puppet show? (Research, repair, painting, etc.)
They gave me the perfect excuse to escape from the real world. Even when I'm not playing with them, I think about what I can do for them or (mentally) create my own unique characters.

3. What was the first doll you added to your collection as an adult?
Signed by Robecca Steam.

4. How has blogging helped you in your hobby?
I've met other bloggers who have great blogs full of information that I can really use. Feedback also helps me to pay more attention to the details of the dolls.

5. List the achievement of the doll or blog that you are most proud of.
I'm not particularly proud of the success of the doll or the blog.

6. What is your favorite doll block?
I do not like it, but there are many blogs I follow, such as The Toy Box Philosopher, one of the first blogs I started following.

7. How to restart the project when you are blocked?
I went and started doing other things. Then all of a sudden all the thoughts come to mind.
8. What new skills would you like to learn?
I'm very clumsy's not very good at crafts և sewing, so in general I would like to be better, but if I had to choose just one, I would like to learn to sew.

9. What are your three favorite books or authors?
it is difficult. I do not have three favorite books, but the last ones are Johnny Valentine's Love Song by Teddy Wayne, Dharma Poms's Jack Kerouac's (that weird book) by Stephen Hawking , A Brief History of Time .

10. Which doll do you like the most now?
I have to choose only one. I really want to leave the students of Isi Dawndancer և Brand Boo in the hands of the other dolls.

11. If you have to evacuate immediately without the possibility of returning, what items can you take with you other than emergencies?
The thought of leaving the dolls kills me, but I will probably choose my laptop. Wydowna spider.

Now I have to nominate someone, but I'm afraid that every blogger I know has already done so. However, to answer the question, I would like everyone to read this article. Dolls inside the box or outside?

I hope I will have free time soon to write a new article. The family is joined by two new dolls: Porter Geiss և Boo York Boo York Nefera և Mr. It was Monster's birthday present. I can't wait to see Navira again և I compare her signature with a doll.

Boo York Nefera Haunted Porter Geiss

You blog as soon as possible


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