Tagged: Liebster Award

Hello, everyone!
Sorry I haven't posted for a long time, but I'm starting my studies again, I don't have time to write a post. I wanted to examine the dolls before school started, but I couldn't because of the beautiful Spanish post. However, I took some time to write this blog post.

He received a Black Kitty Liebster Award from the Multicrafteral Lab . The whole purpose of the Liebster Prize is to get to know other bloggers better - to discover new bloggers. Here are the rules of the Liebster Prize.

1. Thank the person who recommended you and link them to their blog
2. Give your readers 11 random facts about you.
3. Answer the 11 people's questions.
11 bloggers were nominated for this award.
5. Think of 11 questions for your candidate.

Alright, let's go...

Random facts about me.

1. My favorite color is purple. My favorite color is yellow.
2. I have a bit of agoraphobia, so I feel more nervous in crowded places.
3. One of the things I'm most proud of is having a full-time job. I'm so lazy I never thought I could do this.
4. Allergies are common.
5. I love little things like toy catalogs - Disney Channel TV shows.
6. My most ambitious goal is to become a scientific candidate.
7. I have 1950s inspired items for vintage items.
8. When I was 11, I "designed" my own line of fashion dolls.
9. I've worn glasses since I was 8 years old.
10. Just because I work as a shop assistant, I get very angry when people treat me like an ignoramus.
11. I'm the biggest madman I've ever met.

1. Do you collect anything other than dolls?
Friend: I would love to collect Lego Architecture but unfortunately our favorites are not available or expensive so we currently only have 1 Lego in our collection.
2. What is your favorite part of puppet theater? (find, correct, draw, etc.)
They gave me the perfect excuse to escape the real world. Even when I'm not playing with them, I think about what I can do for them or create (mentally) my own original characters.

3. What was the first doll you added to your adult collection?
Robecca Steam Signature.

4. How has blogging helped your hobby?
I've met other bloggers who are full of interesting blogging information that I can actually use. Yes, the reviews help me pay more attention to the details of the dolls.

5. Name an achievement about a doll or blog that you are proud of.
I'm not proud of dolls or blogs.

6. What's your favorite doll blog?
I don't have a favorite blog, but there are a few that I follow, like The Toy Box Philosopher, one of the first ones I started following.

7. How do you bring it to life when you're stuck on a project?
I give up and start doing something else. Then thoughts suddenly come to mind.
8. What new skill would you like to learn?
Well I'm pretty clumsy, I'm not very good at sewing so in general I'd like to be better, but if I had to choose one I'd love to learn to sew.

9. What are your three favorite books or authors?
Difficult. I don't really have three favorite books, but I've recently read Johnny Valentine's Love Song by Teddy Wayne, The Healing Homeless սա (It's Tense) by Jack Kerouac, and Short Time History by Stephen Hawking.

10. Which doll do you want the most right now?
Should I just pick one? I really want to touch the other dolls from Isi Dawndancer and Brand Boo Students.

11. If you have to leave immediately with no chance of getting your money back, what is the only thing you can pack other than an emergency?
The thought of leaving my blood alone is killing me, but I'd probably choose my laptop. and the Vaidona spider.

Now I have to name someone, but I'm afraid every blogger I know has already done so. However, I want everyone to read this article to answer this question: are dolls in a box or not?

I hope to find some time soon and write a new post. Two new dolls Porter Geiss և Boo York Boo York Nefera join the family, a birthday present for Mr. Monster. I can't wait to see Navira and compare her to a doll.

Boo York Nefera Haunted Porter Geiss

Write your own blog as soon as possible


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