Sewing my first garment: basic tank top

If you've been following her for some time, you may have heard that I wanted to learn sewing, but she never did. At the beginning of the year I went ahead and sewed some pillows for my doll, which helped me to practice a little sewing. But finally, two weeks ago, I decided to wear a basic blouse.

What inspired me to start sewing was not "it looks like a fun example", but "I like doll costumes and I don't like what Mattel offers. Learning to sew can solve the problem." I was late for sewing because I lacked confidence in my sewing skills (or just a lack of confidence, menstruation). But I had to talk about myself, because the only way to learn to do something is to do it. It may be wrong, but I must remember that it is normal to start something new.

This article is not about teaching someone to sew, but about sharing my learning journey with you. I know some of my readers are very skilled stylists, so if you want to teach me something! I would like to use this blog as a kind of "sewing diary" where I can follow my progress and perhaps inspire to spread it. Also, I get reviews and suggestions from people who really expand on what I can improve on future projects.

The dress I am sewing today is the basic tank of the Barbie fashion package. If you read my blog over and over again you will find that it is one of my favorite outfits. I always wanted these types of shirts to be available in different colors, so I decided to start. I’m not sure this is the best project for a beginner, but since dolls are often worn under their jackets, this great work hides flaws.

The first step is to create a model. I know how to make models . The post model is quite old since 2013, but since I found them I have been thinking about the clothes I already made because I want to make them again.

This blouse has one piece and no shoulder seams. I think it's to avoid the public. Since I find it hard to get the model out of the house well, I've done two front and two back. Hopefully, I’ve learned, I’ll be able to do it together. 

Following the instructions in the April Post, I asked for a picture of my favorite on paper. I am using Manila paper, which does not look like the paper used in his April post, but I did very well in the second test. Next time, I'll try another letter.

I cut it up and compared it to the original dress and tried it on my doll to make sure everything was okay.

Then I drew it again on paper, so it would be longer if I wanted to do more. Fold the paper in half so that it fits.

As for the fabric, I wear an old H&M shirt that no longer goes away. I carefully followed the design on the canvas. I use a mechanical pencil because I haven't had a regular pencil since I came home.

I cut it and put a 0.5 cm suture.

Now that everything is cut, I don't know in what order it is sewn. Atelier looked at Ni Shashan's YouTube channel to see if he had any lessons. I'm glad she had a tank sewing video . Its design is a little different from the design (just the back part), but I think it will help me. I will open the shoulder part first

Then I stretched my neck.

Then open the gloves. You did a stupid thing here. Looking back, I thought the belts were too tight, so I had to sew first. At this point I thought I should delete everything at first, but I decided to keep trying.

Now, after all the hard work on my arm, it's time to unite the two sides. After this move, I feel more confident that the finish will be more modest.

Now cut back on time. In the main dress, the sides have no edges, but with the round fabric, you are done.

Now it's time to sew the broken buttons. These are the little things I can find and they are still bigger than my clothes. I use these plastics because they are bigger than metal. I will try to find small projects in the future, but so far these are.

Here's what the doll's shirt looks like. As you can see, the scapula is quite large and the shoulder straps look very long. It didn’t do well in my arm, but maybe I can fix it.

Let's try it with a jacket. Since most of the defects are in the shoulders and arms, he will cover his jacket properly. I like this picture. However, this jacket is something I want to recreate.

I did something wrong, but I think I learned from them. First of all, the fabric I used was very elastic and did not work well with the pattern. Ironically, another old blouse broke because the fabric was "too tight" and I thought it would cause me problems. I have a lot of other t-shirts, so I hope it will work better with the model.

Tissue wrapping can be a little annoying, especially if you look at it. Sharon, who lives in Spain, suggests that I use some kind of glue to work with this type of blouse next time. It helps to create some kind of sculpture on canvas.

Despite my mistakes, I am happy with what I have done and I have many years that I can sew doll clothes. This is my first project and I try not to be too strict with myself. As I continue training I hope you will improve.

I have very little hope for what I want to achieve in my sewing journey. I’m not trying to be a good semester and try to make very precise outfits, I’m trying to stretch my doll outfit so I can create casual outfits. I have some ideas for future sewing projects, but still don't know what to do.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article more than you think. When I was making this shirt, I couldn't stop thinking about the new color I wanted to use for Wincosco.

Hope all is well and see you soon. Have a good weekend!

Craft Monster

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