Scrabble Tile Names Framed Word Art DIY
Scrabble Tiles Last Name Frame Word Art DIY:
Doodle! Do you like playing Scrabble? I love this game, it's one of my favorites. I like spelling և puns. However, nobody likes to play with me - yes. That is the solution.
Make a custom decoration to hang at home or give as a gift. Match the names of all grandchildren to their grandparents. Do your last names fit in the doodle?
We put together 3 sets of surnames and were able to recognize each surname fairly quickly. I don't recommend making it easier.
Start by drawing how best to arrange the letters on paper. My dear friend bought the game "Scholar" in a grocery store to find a friend's last name.
Then he created it for his family. The rest came to me...but I didn't have the letter I needed. Easy to fix!
You will need:
Scrabble tabs
Image of an old white and beige apple barrel
Dye for apple barrel
small brush
Frame with cardboard:
cut paper
hot glue gun
Step 1. Connect the parts
Start by searching for the names you want to search for in all parts. Then play with them and see how they fit. Surprisingly, it didn't take me that long... Such great betrayal is easy for you too.
** Advice from Scammers **
If you're like me և don't have the letters you want, scroll through the tab և draw your letters directly on the tab. Here are the basic values: Numeric value.
Step 2. Prepare the window
When the tiles are in place - ready to be placed on the frame... take the glass out of the frame - place the cardboard side of the cut paper in the frame.
Step 3. Prepare the paper
Use tape to cut the paper to attach the paper to the cardboard. Put the sketches on paper.
Step 4. Paste the parts
Place all the details on a piece of paper so that they fit snugly in the frame. Then take it one by one and put some glue on the tile, starting from the top. Then put it on paper.
Repeat the paste process until each letter fits correctly.
A walk to a place where children can see their names. Even though I was a teenager my kids really enjoyed it.
How և spread it.
This post was first published in Doodlecraft