Quick and easy background ideas for doll photography

Hello doll friends!

I swear I planned to write it before, but life went on as usual and it was short without me knowing. When I'm concentrating on the finals, I'm just doing my homework, so now I'm divorced and there are some things I need to do. Not that the monster god does nothing but works full time, so it doesn’t take much time from me. I always try to do what I want to do, but I don't have time for how to put on shoes or clean the stove. And to make matters worse, my regular photo editor stopped working, so I had to find a new one. But after all, I'm sitting here on my computer typing it.

When I thought of a new posting concept that was a little different and useful to people, I thought of creating a kind of doll photo post in the background. However, I’m not the best photographer out there and I don’t have too much content or novelty when it comes to photography. Then the idea of ​​doing this post of background idea came to me and I thought it would be more fun. I hope I have been able to give you some ideas and look forward to new ideas from you.

Of course I'm not a photographer, I don't have a professional camera, so don't expect too much professional advice. In fact, it's more about giving you an idea than actual photography tips and techniques. If you want to give me some tips and professional advice, you are welcome to do so in the comments section. Let's get started.

Colored cardboard or colored paper

You can see that it has been used as a wallpaper on my blog for many years. I used dark blue in all my doll comments and got some shades a while ago. I don't know about your area, but it's usually sold here in A4 and larger, so I use it.

13 wishes Howleen Wolf doll photography

How I made the picture to get an idea about the size.

Doll photography tips and tricks

The advantage is that you can take pictures of the whole body of your doll, other backgrounds limit you to certain frames. The downside is that most of the brands I see are the same color, but you can still find interesting things like light colored cardboard or something calibrated. Or you can try to personalize it. This brings me to the next point.

Prepare with a box of wheat

It may be a background that requires more effort, but you'll need a box of wheat, craft paint, and a brush. Simply cut the wide part of the grain box, keep it flat and draw with the color of your choice. I chose this matrix for my background, but it looks duller than I expected.

Frights Camera Action Viperine Gorgon

I had to use it while waiting for Mr. Wolf's box of this serial to finish and I drew the box of cakes to see if it looked good. I have used Amsterdam brand tea tree paint, but you can use any acrylic paint at home.

Generation Girls Marie Lara wave 2

The cookie box is nice to look at, but it is very small and can only take pictures of the head, and the serial box allows you to take pictures of almost the whole body. This can vary depending on the type of grain, as some boxes are narrower and shorter than others. I look like this:

Monster High Viperine doll photography

I also tried to draw a simple cardboard, but I did not like the result because you can always see the line on the cardboard. Textures can be interesting if you want, but that's not what I want. I'll try it again but this time with gesso as a primer.

painting backgrounds amsterdam acrylic

The good thing is that you can create your desired color and if you are inspired, create a pattern or use a template to decorate it. But if you don't like art, don't worry, read on.

Colorful wallpapers and patterns

A while ago I was working for a wallpaper company and many catalogs are closed every year and instead of throwing them away we give them to good clients who are creating an album or creating an album of their own.

Most of the wallpaper samples were too large for a doll scale, but then this catalog got interrupted and I thought it might be interesting to take a picture of the doll, even if it wasn't my style.

My favorite background is this wood pattern. They make a lot of money on a "human level", but they look great next to a doll.

Barbie Look Music Festival

Can also be used as floor.

Project MC2 Adrienne Attoms wave 1

The method of selling wallpaper varies from country to country. In England, for example, it is very popular and cheap. In some areas they will provide free samples which may be the right size for your photo. However, I recommend that you visit your warehouse / paint store and ask the staff if there are any hanging samples and they will discard them. If you usually go to that store, they may be interested in giving it to you or calling you if you have some proof.

Ever After High Darling Charming

You have seen some of the color patterns I have given before in my Color of Color article. This is an A4 format, so you can't take pictures with the whole body, but you can take pictures with the cowboys (however, a picture of the cowboys is called "American picture" in Spanish). However, in some stores, the samples may be small and may not be as effective. Compared to a doll I look like this:

Like wallpaper, it can vary from one area or brand to another. In some places you will get it for free, in some places you will have to buy it.

Wrapping paper or wrapping paper

This is probably something you are already using. However, it is very difficult to find albums near me and in some stores they are so expensive that you will buy gold. I'm not sure about other areas, but European supermarkets like Aldi or Lidl sometimes have cheap paper albums so you can get new backgrounds. I don't have scrap paper, so a while ago I printed my brick wall, which you probably saw here.
Poison Ivy brick wall

Working with wrapping paper can be more difficult, as in most cases it is a glossy coating that is difficult to process. In my case, it's the only unprinted Christmas wrapping paper:

star wars wapping paper

True, this can be bypassed-but not unless you're a techie who knows what he's doing.

Crazy For Coral star wars photography background

Whatever is around your house

It can be anything with a nice texture or color. School gardens, storage pots, pillows ... the only limit is your imagination. For example, in this picture I am using an old plug.

Lea Monster Crafts Photography Backgrounds

There's a bit of brilliance here, but I'm not crazy about it.

These are just some of the ideas that you can use as a photo background for your doll, but of course your TV, your fabric and so on. There are also many more things you can use. Again, this article is not about "flames", just to inspire and combine ideas that have come to my mind in recent years. As I've said many times, I'm not a photographer, I don't really know what I'm doing (LOL). However, I am trying to improve and accept the advice of others.

I hope you like and enjoy this post. It took me a while to capture and correct this image ... plus all the difficulties I mentioned above. I would like to have more time to write another article before class, but I do not think so. However, let me know in the comments below, and if you like it, you can follow me on my Facebook page, where I am most active during my “quiet blogging” time.

Be careful.
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