Pop of color

Welcome everyone! Did you use your weekend?

If I want to build a dollhouse in this century, I have to admit that I do not do as much as I should. I do not have much free time, so I work here and there mostly on Sundays and sometimes. In addition to some pop art, I have a project in mind, but I would like to review a few more before I get started.

I did not review it today, instead I took dolls. I'm not the best pop photographer and I do not have a professional camera or studio to work with, but I want to try to get better. You can now see that almost all of my photos have the same dark blue background, so today I tried to add more color to my photos. I used some wallpaper samples that you can get in a paint store (because I work in a store, I can only borrow them), but you can also use colored cardboard.

I love what it looks like in this black turquoise green picture, and it looks like it fits the doll, but it does not differ much from navy blue.

This simple lavender color is great, but it looks very white in the photo, especially when I try to photograph a black leather doll.

"Crazy for coral" is beautiful, but it does not fit well with this color.

Yellow is one of my favorite colors, but I think it really emphasizes the pictures. I think especially of Ashan.

Made to Move Asha

Teresa also looks good with this color. However, the name of this color is "Super Honey".

The Los Angeles girl does not look bad to him, but I think he will be fooled by the black leather dolls.

Barbie Fashionistas L.A Girl

I had the same problem with light lavender, it looks very pale and very numb.

It's cherry red, for me it's the color I like most among dolls. Rachel looks good on him.

And grace is sincerely appreciated.

Barbie Style Luxe Grace

Since Mr. Monster recently complained about the lack of Monster High dolls on this blog, I decided to invite Claudia Wolf for a photo shoot.

I still have leaf samples to try, but for now. One of the hardest things for me is to take pictures with a deep whip, because sometimes I can not see if they are "looking" at the camera. I'm also not very creative with the situation and I do not know what to do, but keep the doll's hand on her hips.

I hope you enjoyed my photo shoot too. I'll be back soon with another pop review.

I would like to remind you that we can keep in touch on Facebook and Twitter , especially if we are not blogging.

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