Photo Compilation: June-July 2020

Hello again! I hope everyone is doing well this summer.

As I told you in one of my recent articles, I wanted to share some photos I took for Instagram and didn't post them here or for some reason I didn't post them. The idea is to share it here and talk a little bit about the inspiration and also tell a little bit about what's left behind the scenes.

Let's start with Instagram photos. I picked this up for an event hosted by shrunken_dreams . For those who are not familiar with these Instagram events, they are often held to celebrate or have fun. The person who installs it sets the date, title and often tags so you can find similar posts. On this day, you will share a photo and hashtag related to the topic, and the editor will often interact with you and share your content. This is a great way to get new forum subscription accounts, but sometimes it takes a little creativity to get your photos to pass the test. This special @shrunken_dreams event was organized to celebrate 1,000 followers and the theme was in black and white gold. The day after graduation, I rushed to take pictures. I didn't have time to do DIY that fit the theme, so I had to work with what I had at home. This is one of the pictures I found.

This is a picture I took and edited for an exam, but didn't have time to post it. I loved it, but found others more interesting to me.

I used white cardboard for the walls and black cardboard for the speakers. The dolls wear a range of former dolls' costumes, including the Atelierni Shasha dress. If I'm not mistaken, the chain is from an old spare package.

Another Instagram event #monday4dolls hosted by bella_belladoll . This is a weekly event that takes place every Monday and has a special theme that is presented weekly on Fridays. The advantage of this exam is that you can participate only in the weeks you want, and exams that last about a month are not tiring. The topic for July 20th was "Shoes" and here are some pictures I took for the exam:

Look at the photo with Victoria, right behind the scenes. I ended up tilting the ring of light more until it was parallel to the table.

I try not only to portray the problems, but also to create my own content. After reviewing her 1959 BMR , I thought it would be perfect for her red dress, so I wanted to photograph her against a blue background. Here's one of the bullets I found

I usually shoot individual dolls, but I try to take group photos (or at least a couple) better. For this doll photo, I tried to give the urban style that the models in the street fashion catalog have. I don't know how it felt and it took me all the time to prepare the shot, but I am very happy with the result.

I didn't like the BMR fashion of 1959, so I wore it in this companion dress from So Sporty Fashionista . I don't like this dress, but I like it better than the red dress and it looks more appropriate in summer. The colors of her dress inspired me with this color palette.

Before I was filmed outside and after trying to make dolls in the second part, I picked up the drum. When I wasn't at home, I wanted to do something fun and summery. This is my favorite picture.

I dropped it. For some reason, I wasn't happy with that.

I have some pictures from previous posts that I haven't shared here, like Rosie. I'm not happy with this because the colors seem too saturated, but I like the background.

Here are more images from the A Day by Pool article. The first is not my favourite, but I like to post my photos to Instagram groups.

That's it for me today. I'm currently working on the second part of my article on mixing and matching backgrounds and some character. I don't know what to write next, it depends on which craft I finished first. I've been really excited about DIY lately and have tons of ideas for future posts. Unfortunately, I won't be able to do everything I planned before the school year starts, but since I don't have many classes this year, I hope to release more.

Hope you enjoyed this Dolly collection. As always, let me know what you think in the comments and if you have any ideas for future images.


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