Outdoors, but make it indoors

Pictures of dolls outside are some of my favorites. They add depth and texture to photos and can add a touch of realism to the photos in your shopping cart. When creating my photo collection, outdoor photography is one of your favorites. But sometimes we can not or do not want to go out and take pictures. So for a while I thought about how I could build an open space without leaving my home.

Cover: Shea and Kim outdoors.

This idea has been in my head for almost a year and I am finally writing about it. Not everyone has access to a beautiful garden with a pond where they can draw dolls whenever they want. Many people are not happy to have fun in public with their dolls, or for some reason (for example, when we are in isolation) can not. Or maybe you live in an area where street photography is prohibited due to weather conditions. I also noticed your comment on The Great Outdoors , which points out the difficulty of kneeling or reaching a certain point for doll photos. So, with all this in mind, I started thinking about how to get some outside air into my doll room.

The first idea that comes to mind is very simple: artificial plants. I recently purchased this vertical garden from Leroy Merlin , a well-known home and garden store. They have some patterns, but since the leaves are smaller, I chose the swordfish ( Bexwood evergreen ) and thought it would be better than the stuffed one. My size is 50x50cm (1.64x1.64ft), I think it's a good size. I would have preferred the wider one, but another size available is 1 x 1 meter (3.28 x 3.28 ft), which I think is too big to fit on my desk.

There is a net behind the vertical garden that allows you to tie a little fur so I can stretch it on the photo table. In the end, I even managed to tie some artificial colors to the grid, which would also add color.

Since I used the work desk as a photo desk, I was able to cover it up by using holes in the back instead of sticking the wallpaper to the wall. However, if you do not have a back screen or anything on your desk, be careful with the bar or you may remove the walls.

I took some quick photos to see what my doll would look like. Although there are not many details, I think it looks cute and adds a texture to the background.

In this picture, because the doll is closer to the wall, the doll looks more artificial than the one farther away and this should be kept in mind. Also, I do not know what goes wrong with the lighting here.

I use nothing to set my desk. Many patios or decks have some sort of wooden floor, so I thought it might look real. However, you can always make a floor decoration or use artificial grass to cover the counter.

I wanted to try and add more details, so I brought some plants from home to see if they could give the photo more dimension. Here's how I set up my board:

The plant on the right is a geranium I bought from Liddle (similar to Aldi ) last summer. I believe it is sold every year as a "mosquito resistant" plant because I believe it is more like lemon. On the left is a bonsai ficus, which we also bought from Liddle. Sounds like a mess, but we'll find out.

At first I was worried that the real background of the plant would be more plastic, but it looks really good. It's a bit tricky to find the right angle for the flowers to appear in the picture, but I think this is my favorite choice. The flowers are a bit disproportionate, but I will fix that.

I have some pictures of Victoria posing with a bonsai. While the results were good, I had to be careful not to expose the back of my plate or table. In fact, I had to trim my image to hide some of the "flaws".

I did this shot the other day and had to shoot the vertical garden in the middle. So the next day I put it all together and decided to put a sheet of gray cardboard to cover the space between the wall and the table and the sides around the vertical garden. I chose the gray color to make it look like a concrete wall.

We recently bought new plants right and left, and one of the newest additions is the pomegranate bonsai tree, which is perfect for dolls.

To try the pomegranate tree I brought Asha, who has long since disappeared from my photos. I had to hold the doll up so I could draw longer without looking at the vase and I am very happy with the result.

While there is still room for improvement, I am very pleased with the results I have achieved so far. I would say that placing objects and photo frames is the key to deception.

Of course, there is no need to do everything like me. If you can not or do not want to start a vertical garden, you can use other items you may have at home: personalized bamboo mattresses, magazine pieces or something colored. If you have hanging plants like vines, you can use them to create the external illusion.

I plan to expand this idea into my next blog posts, or at least include some "behind the scenes" information in the photo selection. I was thinking of making a patio overlooking the courtyard or the outer courtyard, permanent or semi-permanent. The only problem is that it took me a long time to do this and I currently have no space to store large items. So for now, it has to be an open stage.

Tell me what you think of this idea in the comments section. I always pay attention to what they say. Will you try?

I'm not sure when my next post will be published. I have some unfinished art projects so I can try to finish them because the photo board is empty again. In the meantime, I hope you are all healthy.

Craft with monsters.

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