How to: doll-size painted artwork

Wow, I can't believe it's June again! It seems like I just started the content I planned for 2021, but suddenly we're halfway through the year. I don't think I did anything but at the same time this is my 13th post this year and 160th overall. It's not that I haven't done anything, but the list of unfinished projects never ends. But I left.

In my last photo review, I mentioned that I have prepared a painting and plan to prepare a tutorial. Since this is a fairly simple project, I decided to do some work to give my readers more options and ideas. I hope you will enjoy.

This article was supposed to be published at the end of May, but I'm taking two courses that start on the same day and I don't like spending more time on the computer after graduation. The time to complete any of the courses is limited, so if you want to get this degree, I need to hurry. Also, a few days ago I had a severe headache and couldn't do anything except sleep. Luckily, I'm feeling better now, so let's get down to the art.

For this craft you will need:

  • A box of cereal or crackers.
  • A pair of scissors.
  • Glue.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Handmade paints and brushes.
  • Ruler.

I started by cutting out the grain box and drawing a rectangle. I chose to make it 3.75 x 2.76 inches (9.5 x 7 cm) because I wanted it to look like a majestic piece of art without being bulky. 3 Weigh and cut.

Glue the pieces together with a glue stick and let them dry by pressing them down with a light weight.

After the glue has dried, smoothen the edges with fine sandpaper. Be kind to him.

I applied a coat of white acrylic paint to create the base of the painting.

I thought I could do a similar version on @barbiestyle on Instagram, I saw some doll sized pictures so I decided to give it a try. You can see the original Barbie style post . I decided to make my own version so I decided to go with a different color. I used Americana Acrylics Coral Blush because I wanted them to be bright and colorful.

So I chose Sea Breeze , also from Americana Acrylics . I basically cleaned some brushes from scratch. Then I sprayed on some paint to mimic the original.

In hindsight, she didn't look like Barbie, but he wasn't mad at her at the time.

I painted my first painting in April, and started working on the other two only in mid-May. I'm working on my last post so I don't have the time or space to work on it. But finally, I cleared the workbench and got to work.

I tried to do something different for the other two. I was very happy with my size in the first image, so I decided to draw another one of the same size. If it worked once, it should work twice. I drew 3 more details and cut them out.

Thirdly, I decided to make it a little smaller to try something different. I made it 6 x 7.5 cm (2.36 x 2.95 inches). I took out and cut out the details.

I did the same with the first one. Glue the pieces together and smooth the edges so everything is smooth.

Now it's time for my favorite part: drawing. On the older one, I covered it with white acrylic varnish and let it dry.

I wanted to do something tropical for this, so I Googled something like "drawing tropical leaves", took the picture as a guide and started drawing myself. I'm not the best at drawing, but I want to try. If you feel insecure while drawing, you can always print your drawing and copy it with tracing paper.

While enjoying my painting, I carefully erased the lines to make them disappear so there was no problem masking them. I got the crap out of the rubber and started painting my sheet again with acrylic paint and a fine brush.

I used Festive Green from Americana Acrylics . It comes in a 16 color set that I bought for Christmas and it came in handy for this project.

When I was done, I drew most of the leaves, leaving some space to highlight and draw the veins of the leaves. I used some yellow mixed with green for the highlights and also for the veins. 

Then I used some dark green ( Forest Green ) to create shadows under the main points and closer to the center of the leaf.

Here's what we have. Just wipe it down with white acrylic and be done with it. It reminds me of some of the paintings Atelierni Shasha made for her art shop (but her paintings are better).

I would like to do something different for the second one, but I don't know exactly what it is. I knew that I needed something in line with the current trends that could also be sold at Urban Outfitters . I searched the web for some inspiration and finally found something on Etsy. I don't remember the name of the store and can't find the link, but I Googled "contemporary art". Similar work can be found on Etsy, Kate Decor Prints and Arteex .

To do this, I applied the first coat of creamy white light Americana buttermilk . Then I started to draw lines with my free hand. I used Acalux in orange , dark orange, not very bright. I've never sketched before, so I'm going in full here.

Drawing orange lines

While enjoying the dark orange outline, I added some details with a lighter orange color. I use another Americana Acrylics Bright Orange paint.

This is the final result. I am very pleased with this.

Let's look at three images. They are very different from each other, right?

Now it's time to check how they look on camera. First I built my Pigeon Gray Wall and got the ideas from Victoria.

Although I tried, let's see how the abstraction looks against the bluish-gray wall. Tate is thrilled to have this new piece of art in the house.

While I liked it, my gray background was a bit dull, so I decided to shoot the rest of the photos using a sea glass wall that added a touch of green. I love the plants and vegetation in the paintings that work on the walls.

Now let's see how tropical and bohemian painting look together.

I thought I would need a piece of art that fits me, but so far I'm happy with the result. I try to make my wallpaper look more saturated, because sometimes it looks too white to me, and the images help to hide the gaps in the wall.

I also said that Feedburner will soon stop working. I found an alternative, , but still found something with it. I managed to find my list of email subscribers, but it turned out that most of them are spam accounts, so I still don't know who is subscribed to the email, except for a few. I haven't subscribed to anyone yet, so if you want to re-subscribe , you can find the box in the sidebar where you can send emails. I have to be on guard all the time, maybe in a few hours.

Hope you enjoy this post. I don't know what to do next, but I have an idea for a particular photo so I can go ahead and write a detailed article. Finally, I have a piece of fabric in my hands, so I immediately start sewing. One of my projects had a couch so I had to make some cushions for it. Sounds like the perfect sewing project for beginners.

What do you think of this project? Are you working on puppet-related projects?

I hope you are all well and healthy.

craft monster

Follow doll labels for other crafts.

Update January 2022: I just posted my fourth design video on YouTube . Subscribe to my channel for more video tutorials.

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