I'm coming home

Hello! After a long absence! Sorry I haven't written since March, but I've been very busy this semester. The projects seem to be mutually supportive and I didn't take a few days off to do a quick review. But finally, I had a few months off to review and enjoy my collection of dolls.

So what did I do after the last time I wrote? Well, not much in my personal life, but my doll collection has grown. I found an orange made to move my Barbie shirt (finally!) and headed home. Also, I have new fashion followers.

I don't have a girlfriend with pink hair. I saw it yesterday at Toys'r'us and only the one with the wrong eye was left, so I didn't choose. He wanted to find Kira, who had just started showing up in the US, with silver hair and a sculpted headband.

I have added the 25th Annual Totally Hair Barbie to my collection. I found it a while ago and yesterday I found it on sale on Amazon. I had to wait.

I also sell Starfire from Toys'r'us. I usually wanted her for a beautiful hair color, but physically she doesn't look very impressive.

Our Funko collection has grown tremendously as more Star Wars characters have joined our Funko family. I'm Luke, Mr. Monsters for a birthday present.

Doc and Marty McFly have also been added to our collection.

And finally, my last purchase was Cowboy Bebop and Princess Leah Fay Valentine. Yes, things are getting out of control.

And you know I did a little bit now, but... what about you? what's new? I had to look at all your blogs to connect with you. I miss blogging and blogging and can't wait to start blogging again.

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