Doll Review: Barbie Fashionista Petite "Style so sweet"

Hello everyone!
I know I did not release anything in a week, but the first season of Attack on Titan was about to leave Netflix, I really had to watch it. I also have a new work schedule in my job, I'm getting used to it. But I finally got time to write.

Barbie Fashionistas petite Style so sweet review

Today is the time to review Barbie Fashionista number 56 in the sweet style of the 2017 fashionista series. I received them in May and was about to open them. So let's get started.

The new boxes from Fashionistas do not differ much from previous years. I saw on the internet that some dolls have their names on the front and mine do not.

Style so sweet fashionista 56 box

At the back of the box we see this net, which shows that this doll uses a small body.

Barbie Fashionistas Petite Box Monster Crafts

I do not like the way it was glued to the box because I can not examine the face without opening it.

Thank God it's not unstable.

Style so Sweet Mbili head mold

And finally he came out of the box.

Barbie Fashionista Petite Style So Sweet doll review Monster Crafts

Style so Sweet (hereinafter referred to as Sweet) has brown skin, light brown eyes and full of red lips. She holds a statue of Millie's head in her hand, so it reminds me of Grace. He has a small spot on his cheek, which he can not get rid of.

Style So Sweet Fashionista review face

She has dark curly hair, adorned with a high tail. I like the texture of the hair և it is in a very good condition.

Style So Sweet Petite Fashionista crimp hair

Sweat wears a cheap peach-colored dress with an ice cream pattern. Someone at Mattel is very fond of ice cream . The model is quite funny, but I do not like the dress's dress. It reminds me of a 'mantle' of wide blouses from the 90's.

Style so sweet ice cream dress barbie fashionista

Her shoes are a pair of pink heels that do not fit the dress at all. For some strange reason, they are fastened with elastics.

Style So Sweet Petite Fashionista pink shoes

She wears a light purple watch as her only accessory. It seems strange to me that they chose this color for their watch because neither the dress nor the shoes are purple.

Overall I think the doll itself is beautiful but I think her dress is very bad. If this series is called Fashionistas, should not their dresses be a little more fashionable? Or at least color-appropriate.

Barbie Fashionista Petite Review The Doll Evolves

However, I chose this doll not over her dress but over her cute face and hair. It's pretty cheap, so it's worth buying if you think he has a beautiful face.

Petite Fashionista review Style So Sweet

While some of the new models from Fashionistas are really beautiful, I would like Mattel to distribute these dolls in different collections so that we can buy something of better quality. I would have no problem paying $ 20 for a full-fledged articulated doll in a more elaborate outfit, instead of $ 10 for a stiffer suitcase in cheaper clothes.

Style So Sweet Fashionistas 2017

And as always, I would love to have suggestions on this lady's name. I was looking for inspiration for old Barbie characters, but not Shan or Cara's names fit her. Are there any suggestions?

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