How to: making Mix and Match backgrounds for doll photography

If you watched my blog last year, you probably know that some of my content focuses on pop photography backgrounds. They can really help emphasize and enrich dolls and make photos work smoother, especially if you don’t have good photography skills or good equipment like me. In this post I wrote last year, I created my own colorful wallpapers using grain boxes and craft paint. The problem is that it is very small and I can only lower the doll from the middle. After writing this post, I started thinking about what I could use to make the wallpaper bigger, but it wasn't hard or expensive to find. Finally, between the end of August and the beginning of September, I came up with this idea and tried it with enthusiasm. Unfortunately, life and transition were intertwined, and so far it has not been taken.

The main idea is to have something that is not too complicated, does not take up much memory and allows you to personalize your script with a few elements. I found them while selling this gray cardboard (or mounting board) in a craft store, which is very cheap and easy to paint. I'm not sure exactly what it's called, but they use it to create the cover of the album for the album. I've used it to make stencils in the past, and although it's hard to cut, I think it can work.

The original idea was to create and combine several flat backgrounds and highlighters in different colors, inspired by some magazine / editor descriptions (you can see a few examples here ). Then the idea came up and I thought it would be nice to create a patterned background or a more realistic background. I recently learned that a collector named Bonequea did something a bit similar to his past, and although my original idea was not inspired by him, I just wanted to take it out. Also look at Instagram , the pictures are great. Since this is an experience and I didn't know it would really work, I will focus on a simple, straightforward background in today's post.

FULL INFORMATION: This blog is intended for adult collectors. If you are a child who has come across this article, I suggest you ask an adult to help you with this project. let's start.

For this project you need:
  • Gray cardboard / mounting plate.
  • Cutter, if possible, with a new knife.
  • cut wood
  • Craft / Acrylic paint.
  • Bottom layer (plaster works great).
  • brush.

I started by setting the size I wanted to have my cut. The cardboard is quite large, 105x75 cm (41.3x29.5 inches), which allows me to create a large background. I decided to cut 65 x 50 cm (25.6 x 19.7 inches). I'm not going to make it that big, but when I took the measurements, I realized that if I wanted to, or even claimed to have a room, it would be easier to take group photos. To increase my paper, I plan it as follows:

One part will be the wall and the other the floor. The remaining two pieces below will serve as wall accents.

The first step is to cut the pieces. This part is a bit difficult because the material is hard and the paper is large enough for easy processing. The cutting mat was so small that I had to cut it into pieces. I think the best result for me is to make quick, straight, shallow cuts and then continue to make deeper cuts along the line. For those of you wondering why I didn't use something like an X-acto knife, the last time I worked on this material, I had a hard time, and I finally broke the knife.

Although it is a little difficult at first, it will be easier to continue after cutting the first piece.

After everything was cut, it was time to prepare the pieces. I will use chalk as the first layer, because I know it's easy to draw after that. The lady from the craft store said that white glue can also work as a primer, but I can't tell you for sure because I've never tried it myself.

This part took a little longer than expected because the smell was a bit pungent and I had to work with the windows open. Since it was a very hot day, I tried to drive in the morning or afternoon to be able to resist working without an AA. One thing that caught my attention during the preparation was that the plate was lightly brushed as it dried. I put a load inside and the fabric returns to normal. There is no combing and deformation of the plate after covering both sides.

According to the manufacturer, the patch takes 24 hours to dry, but maybe with this heat I can paint it faster. Let's start with the floor. I wanted to work with as many colors as possible, so I decided to make one side black and the other white. I used an acrylic paint called Aculux , which you may have seen before on this blog. Because it is packaged in a small bottle, it is easy enough to dip your brush in the glass and repaint. However, you can use any paint you want.

Titan Acualux negro mate

Of all the colors I use in this range of Aculux carpets, white seems to be the most difficult to work with. After one layer of cheaper acrylic and two layers of Aculux , it still looked a bit uneven. In addition, it has a slightly yellowish color compared to other white products I use. I'm not angry, because I wish the light didn't reflect as much as when I took the picture.

I painted one side of the same black I used for the floor for the walls. I like to be on a completely black background, and it seems to me that dark colors in the card background are always white.

For the downside, I used this American Acrylic in a true blue shade. I have used it in the past and it looks good on most dolls (see here or here ). It seems to me that Aculux distributes better and goes further, and is generally better than America . However, Americana has a very wide range of colors, while Acalux is a bit inferior. I can see a few more adjustments after 3 hands, but I can give it another hand in the future.

Americana Acrylics True Blue

Now let's move on to the marked pieces. For the first time I applied uneven black acrylic paint. I thought it would be good to use another product above.
For one aspect, I used Dazzling Metallics from Decoart (the same brand that produces American acrylic) in the shade of Black Pearl . The problem with metal black is that it is not possible to make metal black, and any metal black will actually be a dark gray / bronze color.

Decoart Dazzling Metallics black pearl

For the downside, I used this bright Glamor Dust paint in icy black . I couldn't find this product in the area where I live, so I bought it when I went on vacation to Madrid last year. I got four colors and haven't tried yet. Not as I expected, because I thought it would be a fuller glow and some of the glow properties would be black. I had to give him 3 times to get what I wanted.

Glamour Dust Black ice on black background

For the second part, I used Aculux paint in the shade of fuchsia. It's a satin that isn't as good as the finish, but it will still work. Both sides are painted the same color.

Titan Acualux FĂșcsia Satinado

On the one hand, I decided to experiment a bit and complete it with Glamor Dust in the shade of Ice Crystal . It should be a bright paint that you can use on any color. Shiny spots are painted with the idea of ​​adapting to as many colors as possible. I just helped and it seems unequal, but I just wanted to try.

Glamour Dust Ice Crystal

Now is the time to see if my little experience really works. Let's start with a completely black background. I recently read that it is very difficult to take a photo on a solid black background, so this is probably not a good idea. Let's start with Toralei on a completely black background.

Signature Toralei black background

A similar picture adds black metal stripes. Adds a different touch to the background. I'm sorry for the poor quality, I didn't realize it was great until I started editing.

Signature Toralei black and silver background

Now let's try the bright side. Although not as good as I expected, it looks good on camera.

Toralei Stripe black and glitter background

Now let's replace the bright lines with pink. There's still something missing in the background, but I think it really matches the Victorian outfit.

backgrounds doll photography black pink

Here's a picture of how everything is set up. I glued a large canvas to the wall and highlighted it with adhesive packaging.

Now is the time for a blue background. Kim and BMR 1959 (I think Shee can call it that) stand in front of a blue wall with white floors.

BMR 1959 Pazette Made to Move True Blue Background

The pink font represents a scary look on a blue background. Ideal for colored dolls like Howleen.

13 Wishes Howleen Wolf True Blue Background

I didn't put much effort into these photos because I just wanted to take a quick photo to get the background effect. However, this summer I will try to take more pictures with a new background and get better shots.

In general, I am very pleased with the wallpaper. I made some mistakes in the future project that I had to correct. I think I made it too big and I can get a smaller piece, which makes it easier to draw. The emphasis is good, but I think it's too narrow. Blue walls definitely need a different coat, maybe with a different brush, because the ones I use are very stiff. Although the application is better, I think the idea is good, you just need perfection.

I hope you liked this article, because I spent a lot of time writing it. I definitely wanted to write the second part to make the background more realistic or "home hunting". I wanted to do something else. So far, I've been thinking of creating a gradient effect, and I'd like it to be yellowish green or orange.

As for my next post, I'm a little lost and soulless at the moment. I have a small jewelry box that I want to turn into furniture for dolls and some craft ideas that I want to make this summer. But it took longer to write the creation, so I thought my next post would be about pop photography. Some of you find it very interesting to see a behind-the-scenes post about how photos are taken, and I would definitely think about it.

As always, let me know if you have any questions about what you think in the comments section, as well as how to do things. Suggestions for future backgrounds will also be welcomed. I hope you are all safe this summer and see you in the next post.

car example.

See the photo background marker for more photo backgrounds.

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