How to Make Snowflake Holiday Cards

How to make a snowflake Christmas card using Tobo for a double brush. Today Tobou has the perfect VIP Club Box և has everything you need for the perfect Snow Holiday cards. Here is a short VIP Club Box with limited offers.

How to make a snowflake Christmas card with two brush strokes from Tobo

There is a lot of magic in making handmade holiday cards. Today Tobou has the perfect VIP Club Box և has everything you need for the perfect Snow Holiday Cards. These adorable postcards are perfect for sending or receiving gifts such as beautiful stickers or gift cards.

How to make a snowflake Christmas card using Tobo for a double brush. Today Tobou has the perfect VIP Club Box և has everything you need for the perfect Snow Holiday cards. Here is a short VIP Club Box with limited offers.

Requirements for Christmas cards with snowflakes

6 Tombow Merry and Shiny double brush set (available in VIP box)
Tobow Fudenosuke Brush Pen (available in VIP box)
The adhesive is rolling
gold card
white cardboard
Tobo stuffing case

Accessories for this Tobow Snowflake Christmas Card Set Cheerful և Bright Double Brush Set for 6 People (Available in VIP Box) Tobow Fudenosuke Brush (Available in VIP Box) Glue Roll Gold Paper White Cardboard Box Tobo Combined

Here's a 2 minute և 30 minute video of the process.

How to make a retro snowflake Christmas card using two brush pens.

Step 1: snowflakes

Start with retro-style white cardboard snowflakes with cheerful, bright double-breasted brushes. You do not have to be very specific or very careful.

Step 1 ፡ First, fill a piece of white construction paper with bright և bright double brushes. You do not have to be very precise or very careful.

I love this retro style snowflakes with thick and thin lines. Large circles, lines և inconsistencies. This is the background of a real snowflake.

I love this retro style snowflakes with thick and thin lines. Large circles, lines և inconsistencies. This is the background of a real snowflake.

Step 2: Cut the paper

Now the side is filled with snowflakes, a quarter of them հեռ remove an extra 1/4 inch from each edge.

Step 2. Cut the paper Now that the page is filled with snowflakes, cut an extra 1/4 inch from each edge and cut them into quarters.

Cut the gold paper into pieces of paper larger than 1/8 inch և and glue them. Then cut the 2 cards in half and fold them in half to get perfect cards. Place the gold / snowflake paper on the folded paper. The paper leaves a small border again.

Cut 1/8 of the cardboard

The maps are beautiful: they can end as they are… or we can take an emotional step.

The maps are beautiful: they can end as they are… or we can take an emotional step.

Step 3. Handwritten emotions

Use fudge markers և Write down holiday feelings. I'm glad to send you Christmas, the words match. What other holiday wishes do you like?

Step 3 ագիր Handwritten Emotions Use the Fudenosuke brushes և write down some festive emotions. I'm glad to send you Christmas, the words match. What other holiday wishes do you like?

Then go ahead, cut a layer, and glue it to the 1/8 inch edge of the cardboard.

Then cut, cover the stems, paste 1/8 of them on gold cardboard

Step 4. Foam pump

Finally, apply the handwritten foam on the back: and stick it on the retro snowflakes. You are beautiful յալ perfect.

Envelopes are still perfect for sending mail via USPS, eliminating the need for manual deletion or additional mail.

Step 4: Attach the pigeon tail foam և Finally the handwritten foam to the handwriting և Place it on the retro snowflake postcards. You are beautiful յալ perfect. Envelopes are still perfect for sending mail via USPS, eliminating the need for manual deletion or additional mail.

Cheerful և bright Double Brush Brushes 6-Pack is a very unusual color palette for the holidays, but it works. I like pink with blue և yellow. What do you think of this color gallery?

Cheerful և bright Double Brush Brushes 6-Pack is a very unusual color palette for the holidays, but it works. I like pink with blue և yellow. What do you think of this color gallery?

The VIP box includes an incredible variety of offers. It's a great gift for anyone who wants to create… or it could be perfect for a Christmas present - handmade postcards, stickers և pictures. It is a universal bag for transporting goods from one place to another.

The VIP box includes an incredible variety of offers. It's a great gift for anyone who wants to create… or it could be perfect for a Christmas present - handmade postcards, stickers և pictures. It is a universal bag for transporting goods from one place to another.

TwinTone markers are a popular tool I use to write notes, magazines or letters. I like double brush pens for watercolors, backgrounds, sketches, etc. Fudenosuke pens continue to be my favorite Tobo accessory.

Great for calligraphy և calligraphy, perfect size ... I just want 100 colors.

Get your VIP Club Box today before selling it.

How to make a retro snowflake Christmas card using Tombow Dual Brush Pen և Fudenosuke Brush Pen.

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How to make a retro snowflake Christmas card using Tombow Dual Brush Pen և Fudenosuke Brush Pen.

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