How to: doll size crate shelf/bookcase

Wow, I can't believe I'm back with this one master class. This is my fourth crafting post this year, which is a little weird because I usually make one of these in every Blue Moon. I'm not complaining, I'm quite satisfied. I originally started this blog with the idea of ​​making a doll house furniture for my Monster High doll, but it never happened. You know, life got in the way, I failed. Besides, there was not much space in his old house. So now I'm in a new place: I have more time, I want to make the most of it.

When I started working on my background painting, I realized that doll furniture was not enough for me. I have some ideas, like the post from Upsicycling Part 2, but I don't seem to be able to find the material I need. While working on my colorful squares, I thought I could make a shelf out of boxes, because they are so easy to make. I remember My Froggy Stuff did something like this a long time ago, so I watched the video for inspiration. Here is a video.

I was watching the video when he downloaded it, I almost remember what he was doing. I was very worried about getting the right size, so I checked again to make sure my box was the same size as hers. He made it 2 3/4 inches, which is 6.99 cm, mine is 8 cm, so there is no big difference. To get a rough idea of ​​the size of the shelf, I put the boxes I had together and took pictures of the dolls for reference.

This is my third post in the box, so I don't think it's too deep. The eggs in the Froggy box are almost the same as mine, but there are some differences. I don't think my strategy is better than others, but I thought it would be interesting for you to see the differences in choosing the one that works best for you.

I started by sticking 2 2 3/4 inch (7 cm) sticks on the table. It's easy for me to work with him, so I can name my club at the same time. Then I measured the wood to be crossed.

I measured again to make the sides of the box. 4 pieces will be required for each party. Then measure the 2 parts that will intersect. Before I start gluing, I cut enough to make 2 squares, because I always have a lot of glue, I don't want to waste it.

Now it's time to glue the parts together. I always use eucalyptus glue because it dries clean, cuts quite strong, does not have strong chemical odor. I apply it with the oldest brush I have and take out the pieces. When dry I often add weight to the pieces.

Now it's time to put the parts together. I noticed that at the bottom of the box, Todd lays eggs that are being cut, while I always keep them. I think so because it looks clear, but I like the "incomplete" look of this checkerboard. Also, since I don't have too much decoration, I thought the shelves would look more full. Here are the photos I took for comparison.

He glued the sides to the base, which I always glued to the sides. I'm guessing you're doing this so that the height of the shelf doesn't go up. However, I like to stick it on the side, because I think there is more surface to apply the glue, so, it will stick better.

Glue the pieces to taste and set aside to dry. I want to hold it with my finger for a few seconds and then let it dry using something to hold the sides in place.

Then I started from the bottom, then from the top and finally cut the sides from the middle. I like to glue it until the side glue is completely dry so I can straighten it if necessary.

We finally got our box. Now let's do 5. I was wondering how many sticks I used for this craft, I thought it would be effective to protect the stock from running out. I use 6 sticks for the base. For a party - 6 pieces (3 on each side). For the long side pieces I used a total of 6, 3 on each side, a total of 18 sticks per square. Since we made 6, you will need 108 stickers for this craft.

The box can be left as is. Personally, I like to paint it white because I don't like natural colors. However, before deciding whether to draw it or not, I drew my doll to help me decide.

Doll size shelf Sea Breeze background

I don't like natural colors, so I go ahead and paint them. I drew the box before assembling it, as it would be more difficult to do after assembling the rack. However, if you prefer natural colors, you can skip this step. It wouldn't be a real monster without a suspicious photo, so enjoy one of my photos, which has become quite blurry.

Once everything is painted, it’s time to put it together. I used the same PVA glue for installation.

Ready! Here's what the shelf looks like. I've added some accessories to make it more complete, but I don't have many doll-shaped decorations or books, so it looks a bit disappointing. I have created two orbital balls from toilet paper roll following this tutorial . The soft pink rectangle is a small experiment I did while trying to make a vase with a vase stick. I added fake plants to add some green to the scene.

Doll size crate bookshelf in white

Now is the time to take the dolls to see what the scene looks like. For this photo, I created a short story about how Asha surprised Klok with two tickets to her favorite band's concert, because there was no plague in my puppet world.

Please note that this craft is for your photo background or diorama, not the main focus. Don't worry if you make a small mistake, it won't show up on camera.

I recently created a blue background that I haven't tried yet, so I thought it was time to see what my doll would look like.

Doll diorama in Amsterdam Sky Blue Light

I think I really need a non-pink sofa because it takes away the reality of the scene. Maybe by the end of next semester I can focus on a neutral color sofa, but I still have to work on it.

Barbie Music Festivals blue doll diorama

In general, I am very satisfied with this work. I think it looks interesting as a background element because its height helps to distract my walls from being quite empty. I think I did the right thing by painting it white, in a natural color, I don't think I would like that much. However, being white I now have a small dilemma. I bought a box of tea to make another shelf like my upcycling post . I basically wanted to do two, one in the sea air and one in the white. Since I only found one box, I painted it white, but now it seems I have a lot of white furniture, I don't know which color to draw. This is my top choice. What color do you like the most? You can also recommend colors not mentioned here.

Coral Blush, Sea Bridge, Turquoise Dove Gray:

I hope you enjoy this post. This is probably the last embroidery tutorial I can write for some time because I will be back to college soon because it takes longer. As usual, I couldn’t do all the crafts and projects I planned for this summer, but overall I’m very happy with what I’ve done. I must have done enough to improve my photos And what I couldn't do was set up a project that I could go through when I graduated from university in January.

Before you register today, make a small public announcement. Apparently new blogger readers are a mess, I missed a few posts. I try to manually check my most active blogs every few days to see if they have new posts. I don't know if this will work for you, but I suggest you browse some of your favorite blogs. I'm also thinking of using a blog reader while Blogger waits to fix it Any suggestions would be welcomed.

See you in my next post.

Craft monsters

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