Doll review: Porter Geiss

Hello my doll lover, what are you doing?

Unfortunately, I have never posted anything, but the house needs a cleaning from time to time, and mine really needs it. Also, I’m not really keen on writing anything this week, I’m very disappointed with the world of dolls. When I contacted Mattel’s customer service I didn’t have a very good experience, in addition to the good experience of others. So as you can see, I don't really want to come to this blog and talk about their product.

But let’s forget about customer care and let’s get to the ratings. Today I'm going to take a look at the "Paintergeist" goat in the Monster High Haunted series. I’ve reviewed Kiyomi Haunterly and River Styxx in this series, which you can read here and here. Porter is the son of a poltergeist and attends an enchanted school called Haunted High. In fact, this ghost doll is a bit ironic, as it took him about a hundred years to find it, and other collectors say he saw it in various stores. In the end I had to buy it on Amazon and thanks to the amazing Spanish postal service it arrived later than expected so I didn’t see it until I started college.

Porter is an artist who loves to paint everything he finds in ghost painting, hence the nickname Paintergeist. That’s why he seemed to be at a standstill all the time.
Porter's box is the same as Kiyomi's and Rivera's box. I like this box style because you can see the whole doll and I also love the shape chain detail.

At the back of the box is a small doorman ... next to me in several languages. Not surprisingly, this doll was imported from Germany.

Honestly, I think Porter's artwork is prettier than the original doll.

He finally got out of the box.

Porter has a translucent light green plastic skin, like the Kiyomi and Vandals. Her hair is also green and does not contrast with her skin, as they are both the same color. Also, I’m not crazy about her hairstyle, but it’s not the worst hairstyle I’ve ever seen on a boy doll.

A porter's hand looks like a spray can

Porter wears this chain on his shoulder to hold two buckets of paint. It’s a bit weird because it looks like a backpack on the front, but when you turn it over there’s nothing behind it.

I removed the string from the painting to see Porter’s outfit up close. She is wearing a gray short-sleeved shirt with pink and blue paint on the sleeves. It seems that the color she is wearing is unexpectedly found. The shirt is long enough and tucked into pants.

Like 90% of Monster High boys ’dolls, Porter wears shorts. They look good, have a brick pattern on the walls and have a bit of spray paint, but the waist is too low.

He was also wearing a chain belt that had to be lowered to his hips, but he continued to lift it. It has nice details, like the artist palette.

Unlike Monster High girls, boys ’shoes are nothing special. They’re made of transparent blue plastic to give it a “tremendous” look, but I think they would look better in other colors. It’s not a particularly trendy design, but it’s pretty pretty, and at least it’s not wearing flip flops like Gil Weber’s Manster pack.

Porter isn’t the best-designed doll in the Monster High lineup and when he arrived I wasn’t fully involved with him, but I wanted to put him on top of as many monsters as possible. I don't like that Mattel doesn't care about girls and boys. Moreover, it seems that most of them play the role of “girlfriend” or “love interest” instead of being a personality.

Porter Geiss doll review

Conclusion: I don't like Porter, but I'm not very crazy about him. I love that he is a painter and that he loves art, and that is the main characteristic of his personality, not just a “spectrum-mamita”.

Haunted Porter Geiss

By the way, my Haunted collection is made up of:

Haunted Monster High Vandala Kiyomi River Porter

So what do you think of Porter? Is it in your collection?

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