Doll review: Monster Exchange Lorna McNessie

Hello ladies and gentlemen! How are you?

Today I want to talk about my favorite toy that I saw at San Diego Comicon 2014. From the line of Monster High Monster Exchange dolls - Lorra and McNancy. Lorna is the daughter of the Loc Ness monster and now she has moved from Rothland to Monster High.

Lorna comes with a new box design that is transparent on the front and both sides and opens easier than ever. Here is a preview of the Lorna box.

And, like many new dolls, there are many designs on the back of this box.

If you remove the front plastic from the box, Lorna can be seen better.

A few minutes later, the plastic was cut and, finally, Laura.

Lorna has a short body like Hawley, but the neck is slightly longer. His skin is blue, but a little shiny or glittery, I don't know how to describe it. She has scales all over her body, on her arms and legs under her arms and legs.

She also wore earrings and only one earring.

Lorna McNessie earring

She, like me, had a long tail that didn't always fall like Ben Toralei, my coffin. Here are some details.

Lorna McNessie Tail

Her face is so sweet and pretty that her round eyes look great. She also has dogs coming out of the bottom edge like Abby. In fact, her glowing skin reminds me of the basics, but she is even more delicate.

What I liked about Lauren was her red head. She has black facial hair. The rest of her hair is blond, I say coral, and should be curly or wavy, but mine is tousled.

Lorena's hair is not only disheveled, but also very thick and full of imperfections, just like the giant knot I tried to draw in the picture, but I don't believe you can appreciate it.

She is holding a beautiful plastic bag. I haven't removed it yet, but I don't believe it will stay in Lorna's hair without plastic surgery.

Lorna's beret

Lauren's dress is very beautiful. Put on a micro blouse and this stylish one-sided dress for a modern quilted look.

She's sealing off that black belt they didn't allow, Lornan said. She could have used a better medium, such as a haunted doll or a riding horse. The parts don't fit properly because the straps seem to be floating. However, it is clear that Lorna's wardrobe is missing.

Lorraine's shoes are great, but they don't help balance the doll. I really like that his shoes have bricks, probably inspired by the famous Scottish palaces.

Lorna McNessie shoes

Lorra brought me a large red wallet with Celtic details.

Lorraine is generally a beautiful doll, and I fell in love with her from the moment I saw her, but, unfortunately, her hair is heavily combed and half bald. If the doll has curly hair, it can be easily fixed, but deep hair is difficult to fix.

I really like the character Lorraine and I really want to see her in the world of Monster High, but I'm not sure if she came out as part of the "exchange" line.

What do you think of Lorna? Have you added it to your collection? Tell me what you think at the moment.

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