Doll Review: Middle School Moguls Sunny

Welcome! Today is the time to think of another doll from the Moguls High School line. I actually checked out Jada a few days ago, and now it's Sunny's turn. I told you in my last post that the Mini Emperors are a group of girls who run their website. Well, I've read the book (more on that later) and they've already gone to a super exclusive school called Mogule Academy which only requires an amazing group of kids.

Sunny is the cod queen of the group and has a homemade iguana called Buttercup. She is very good at programming and really capable of technology.

The box has the same design as Jada, with the hashtag #KidBoss in the lower right corner and a label that reads "The Real Book".

Middle School Moguls Sunny monster crafts review

There is a sunny picture on the side of the chest. There was also a Jada chest, but I forgot to tell you.

Much easier than Jada's editing, Sunny was released quickly.

Sunny has pale skin, brown eyes, and strawberry pink lipstick. I find it a little Asian.

Her hair is black with blue accents in the front. She has bangs and her hair is in a ponytail. Sunny has a delightful wand in her art and would love to have a real doll.

Sunny wears a gray heart sweater with pixels and a skirt with a gray-pink spaghetti strap. I thought it was a piece, but they are actually two separate pieces. The quality of the fabric is not bad.

She's also wearing a pair of barrel and leggings in gray denim.

Her shoes are the same as Jada's, but with a gray accent.

It comes with those silver headphones, too. They are cheerful, but not as cheerful as Jada's cat ears.

Now let's talk about the book. In my post about Jada, Maf asked me if I had read the book. Well, I haven't read Sunny yet, but I read Jada yesterday. This is a real book with some illustrations. It's actually one of your pick-your-own adventure books. At the end of the book is a glossary of terms such as "server" or "acquisition and merger". The words in the dictionary appear in bold in the descriptive part of the book. Here's Sunny's book.

Finally, I want to say that Sunny is a beautiful doll like Jada. The quality of her body, clothes and hair in general is very good. However, I noticed that Jada's head was spinning more than Sunny's, and I don't know why.

Both Sunny and Jada are my favorites from this series, so I unlocked them first. I love the bangs and the sunny dress, but Jada has more cheeks. What do you think?

I've loved this new set of dolls so far and love that it adds an educational purpose. I look forward to seeing what comes out too.

So what do you think of Sunny? What do you think of high school emperors?


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