Doll review: Middle School Moguls Jada

People who have been following this blog for a while now know how much I appreciate that Playline dolls (or any other toys) bring a positive message or try to make a difference in the world. When I heard about this project called High School Mongols, I thought it would be nice to support them on Kickstarter.

Middle School Moguls Jada Review Monster Crafts

The story is this: Mini Tycoons are a group of tech-savvy girls who run their own successful websites. The Heitkamp sisters created this line to help girls become tomorrow's executives and technology leaders, as only 7% of the top executives are women. Visit the Kickstarter page for more information.

As a reward, I could choose between McKinley and Jada, so I chose Jada. The arrival of the doll was delayed due to problems with the manufacturer, and when it arrived, I was very busy with the university and could not write a review. The good news is that when I was asked if they would sell them outside of the United States, they told me they weren't going to, but they would still send me three people. I have not received them as payment for anything or as a condition of leaving a positive review, so I will be honest with you. So, let's get to the review!

High School Bumps comes in these colorful pixelated boxes with a large window to make the doll look good.

Middle School Moguls Jada iBesties Review

On the back of the box is information about graphic artist tycoon Jada.

And the work of other magnates:

The box opened easily and you can get to know Jada without plastic.

The doll was very well glued to the box. It took me about 10 minutes to cut the plastic cords, but now it was worth it because it's free.

Jada has dark skin, slanting yellow eyes, and light pink lipstick. The head is quite large and has a cartoonish appearance.

Her hair is very long, brown and wavy. It looks thick in the photo, but it's not. He needs a little reshaping and he has a headroom that you can use without thickening, but overall his roots look thicker and better.

He wears a white patterned shirt with a black patch and an extra tutu. I want the pack to be different.

She also wears these dark green leggings with a pin pattern.

She wears pink Converse shoes.

There is something strange about these dolls that they have an ankle. Her legs don't move up and down like Barbie's are made to move, but they can rotate and allow Jada to take her first ballet pose.

The elbows are also bent, but not the wrists. One of his hands is oddly shaped, but I think he writes on a computer.

The articulating elbows add a little more mobility, but are still limited because the arms are very short.

Middle School Moguls Jada Monster Crafts Blog

Jada also comes with a headband in the form of these cute cat ears. She looks beautiful!

Muff asked me how big these dolls are. I didn't measure them exactly, but they are a little shorter than Barbie. Its size is basically the head.

Lea and Jada monster crafts blog
I'm sorry for the terrible picture

In general, I think Jada is a beautiful doll. I love the concept of this line and I think girls will love the design. I would like some of the things shown in the prototype or artwork to create the final doll, but I think some things needed to be cut before the deadline to make it.

Middle School Moguls Jada

The selection of college moguls is currently quite thin. There are only 5 characters in it, 4 of which are with a doll. I care about how the line develops and where it leads. I hope to see more characters and some accessories in the game (Mongol HQ game maybe?). I wish the Heitkamp sisters success in this endeavor.

What do you think of Jada? Have you heard of school tycoons?


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