Doll Review: Middle School Moguls Sunny

How are we all! Today is the time to visit another medium-sized Mogul doll. A few days ago I already reviewed it and now it's Sunny's turn. In my last post I told you that Mini Bump is a group of girls who run their website. Okay, I read the book (more on that later) and they go to a super exclusive school called Mogul Academy where they take a bunch of amazing kids.

The Sunny Group has a pet iguana named Coding Queen and Buttercup. He is very good with programming and very technological.

The box has a Jada-like design, with a #KidBoss label in the lower right corner and a sticker that says "Real Book."

Middle School Moguls Sunny monster crafts review

Next to his box is a work of art by Sunny. It was in the glass box too, but I forgot to show it.

The release of Sunny was much easier than Jadar, and it was soon released.

Sunny has light skin, brown eyes and pink strawberry lips. I find it quite Asian.

Her hair is black and she has a little blue sheen on her forehead. She has a lump and her hair is done with her tail. In the example, Sunny has a nice bang that stays next to the real doll.

Sunny wears a gray sweater with a pixelated heart and a gray-pink skirt fastened to the straps. I thought it was a one-piece dress but it was actually two separate pieces. The quality of the fabric does not look bad.

She also wears fuchsia and gray cotton leggings.

Her shoes are similar to Jada's, but painted in a gray accent.

It came with this silver helmet. They are beautiful but not as pretty as cat ears.

Let's talk about the book now. In my Already Message, Muff asked me if I had read the book. Okay, I have not read Sunny yet, but yesterday I read it. This is a real book, with some illustrations. Actually, Choose Your Adventure is one of the books. At the end of the book is a glossary of terms such as "server" or "acquisition and integration". The words in the glossary are highlighted in the description section of the book. Here is Sunny's book.

Consequently, the Sunny doll is beautiful, like Jada. The quality of her body, clothes and hair is generally quite good. However, I noticed that Jada's head turns more than Sunny's, I do not know why.

Sunny and Jada are my favorites so far, so I figured them out first. I like Sunny's legs and makeup, but Jada has too much gravy. What do you think?

So far, I have enjoyed this new series of dolls and I love that they add an educational purpose to it. I can not wait to see what they have to offer.

So what do you think of Sunny? What do you think of college magnates?


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